KDE Frameworks 5 & Plasma 5

In prior versions of OpenSUSE, I always used the KDE repos to keep up with the latest version of KDE. I believe that the following repo link is the equivalent for Plasma 5 on OpenSUSE Leap 42.1:


Is this the correct repo for staying current with the latest Plasma 5 versions? Is this repo stable and safe to use?

Also, is there a way to change the animation speed for auto-hiding panels?

On the repo: yup, it has the latest KDE release. Stable? What comes out of the Leap update repos, that’s stable, since it passed testing in openQA. Anything that hasn’t is to be considered unstable. Whether it is in daily use, YMMV. If you want the latest, use Tumbleweed, where packages only land after having passed testing in openQA.

The animation speed of panels AFAIK is subject to the general animation speed setting.

Thanks Knurpht for your prompt reply!

I only want the latest Plasma 5 stuff so I think that the Leap 42.1 distro and the Plasma 5 repo is possibly the right way to go for me. I tried Tumbleweed a year or so ago and I was getting a massive number of updates all the time and I really don’t want that.

I was asking about the Plasma 5 repo’s stability since I have seen several posts about the Plasma 5.5 update with people possibly encountering bugs. So, is the latest Plasma 5.5 release stable or are folks having issues with it?

Changing the general animation speed setting doesn’t change the speed of auto-hiding panels, at least on my installation it doesn’t appear to affect the panel animation speed at all. Any other ideas for changing the auto-hide panel animation speed?


Gordon Dickens

I don’t know if this also applies to the auto-hiding… but probably worth a try.

Add these two lines to “~/.config/plasmarc” - replace ‘n’ with the duration of the animation that you require. I believe it’s in mS, ie 1000 would give you an animation time of 1 sec.


You’ll need to restart plasma.

Be aware though, this will probably effect all plasma 5 animations

In a similar vein… I wished to disable the animation completely. How to disable Plasma 5 animations. - Applications - openSUSE Forums

Hi tannington,

Thanks for the reply! I tried your suggestion and restarted plasma 5 but it didn’t change the panel animation speed. I also logged out and back in just to be sure but neither way affected the speed of the panel animation.



OK… Sorry it didn’t work, but worth a try though.

I guess that’s controlled separately…

Just adds further weight to the need for a cohesive global setting for plasma 5 animations… but hey, I’m only a user. rotfl!

Just as a follow up to this… Whilst searching for an unrelated bug, I found these two reports.


The latter indicates that auto-hide animation is currently broken.