another click on folder does not open another instance of dolphin but simply puts the existing one into focus
Can this behaviour be disabled? It gets even worse with virtual desktops. Of course I want a new dolphin window here on this desktop and not be sent back to whatever desktop happens to have dolphin with this folder open. And if I click two times on the same symlink, I want two dolphin instances with the same folder open.
Please do not discuss whether the current behaviour or my expectations make sense. I just want to know if there is some easy switch to disable it, before I have to dive down into the source code. For now, I am working around it by opening new dolphin instances and then have shortcuts in there.
Thanks for the link. I kind of suspected this was a feature. Apparently the bug was fixed exactly how the reporter wanted it to. To me that is an unfortunate choice but I am well past discussing usability with developers.