KDE does not run

After I logged in, I can only do something for 10 seconds before KDE does not work anymore. This happens since I have removed the “Kontrollleiste” (I don’t know the english word, it is where the clock and the menu are).

See if this thread helps.

You may need to start up in failsafe (text) mode. Then login as root and do

mv /home/username/.kde4 .kde4old

(where username is replaced by relevant name of course).

Now try starting KDE again with

init 5

See how that goes.

BTW, what version of openSUSE and KDE 4 do you have installed?

Thank you, it runs!

Glad that your back in business. That thread I referred to (or one of the many others giving same advice) should be made a sticky, given the number of users who need to reinstate KDE 4.x.x when an update or configuration tweak toasts their desktops.

In fact, I’ve made a point of backing up .kde4 directory ahead of any problems. :slight_smile:

But now there is an other problem. I have choosed the same effects as before, but nothing happens :’(