kde, docking an app in systray

inspired from https://github.com/user-none/KDocker/issues/42

not all app are able to minimize in systray.

how to minimize such an app ?

i illustrate this tutorial by docking in systray “Android Messages”

install kdocker:

to see what is the last revision number


search the package here https://software.opensuse.org with key “kdocker”

search opensuse leap 15.0

click on “display community packages”

search the last version

run a “one click installation”

in kde settings > start up and shutdown > desktop session > on login > applications to be excluded from sessions
fill with text “kdocker”

in ~/bin/
create dock_messages.sh then check the file property “executable”

put in

sleep 2m
/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome --app=https://messages.android.com && sleep 5s && WID="$(wmctrl -lx | grep Messages)"; kdocker -qw "${WID%% *}"

in kde settings > start up and shutdown > desktop session > autostart
add the script and select run on “startup”

to get the right icon for “Android Messages”

create a desktop launcher of “Android Messages”

launch “Android Messages”

launch kdocker

the mouse cursor becomes a kdocker cursor

put the cursor to the window of “Android Messages” then left click

“Android Messages” is minimized in the systray

right click on “Android Messages” icon

go to “options” > set icon

go to .local/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/

select “Android Messages” icon

that’s all


Some explanations

>> in kde settings > start up and shutdown > desktop session > on login > applications to be excluded from sessions
fill with text “kdocker”

kdocker is an app if you close a kde session and an app is running at the next kde opening session then kde launch kdocker. we don’t want that because kdocker does not record the docked apps.

>> sleep 2m

opening a kde session => during about 2 mn baloo indexer slows all task startup => script kdocker statement fails

launching “Android Messages” before or during “Google Hangouts” startup => randomly this leads to 2 google chrome and 2 google hangouts instances and fails concerning chrome , hangouts and “Android Messages”

WID="$(wmctrl -lx | grep Messages)"

instead of “Messages” you can put any word from your app window title or the whole title

>> create a desktop launcher of “Android Messages”

with chrome go to messages.android.com
in the menu go to “more tools” > create a desktop launcher" <<<< not sure of the English terms

this also adds icons for “Android Messages”

i forgot this:

right click the icon of the minimized “Android Messages”
go to "options
check “skip taskbar”


after using “Android Messages” you minimize the window then the app is minimized but stay in task bar. another bug of kdocker.

>> another bug of kdocker.

no it’s not a bug. kdocker can’t avoid this problem. it just can supply a workaround.

i forgot this:

after checking “skip taskbar” you must record this property.

right click the icon then go to “options” > save settings then left click on " save Google-chrome only"

to avoid conflict with the window “Kontact Messages” i change “Messages” by “Messages pour le Web” <<<< this is the french window title you must use the title which is displayed in your language
to avoid "manualy checking “skip taskbar” " i change “qw” by “qtw”

then the new script is :

sleep 2m
/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome --app=https://messages.android.com && sleep 5s && WID="$(wmctrl -lx | grep "Messages pour le Web")"; kdocker -qtw "${WID%% *}"

If you use kdeconnect then in kdeconnect-android you must uncheck “send SMS” according to receive only sms notification from desktop android messages.

  • sometime problem with WID then app is not minimize in the systray

i changed
/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome --app=https://messages.android.com


bash -c ‘/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome --app=https://messages.android.com &’


the new script

sleep 1m 45s
bash -c '/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome --app=https://messages.android.com &' && sleep 5s && WID="$(wmctrl -lx | grep "Messages pour le Web")"; kdocker -qtw "${WID%% *}"

  • if you dock in systray several apps then they got the same icon

you must add the pathname to the icon for each app


the new script

sleep 1m 45s
bash -c '/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome --app=https://messages.android.com &' && sleep 5s && WID="$(wmctrl -lx | grep "Messages pour le Web")"; kdocker -qtw "${WID%% *}" -i ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/chrome-nngjipgjhfkaeimbhgmodlbhligdflei-Default.png

finally with the help from https://github.com/user-none/KDocker/issues/42

to avoid problem due to:

  • slow or fast launch of app
  • conflict between several apps docked in systray with kdocker
  • icon problem

here is the final script

bash -c '/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome --app=https://messages.android.com &'
while  true ]
   sleep 5
   status=$(wmctrl -l | grep "Messages pour le Web")
   if  "$status" != "" ] ; then
WID="$(wmctrl -lx | grep "Messages pour le Web")"; kdocker -qtw "${WID%% *}" -i ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/chrome-nngjipgjhfkaeimbhgmodlbhligdflei-Default.png