inspired from
not all app are able to minimize in systray.
how to minimize such an app ?
i illustrate this tutorial by docking in systray “Android Messages”
install kdocker:
to see what is the last revision number
search the package here with key “kdocker”
search opensuse leap 15.0
click on “display community packages”
search the last version
run a “one click installation”
in kde settings > start up and shutdown > desktop session > on login > applications to be excluded from sessions
fill with text “kdocker”
in ~/bin/
create then check the file property “executable”
put in
sleep 2m
/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome --app= && sleep 5s && WID="$(wmctrl -lx | grep Messages)"; kdocker -qw "${WID%% *}"
in kde settings > start up and shutdown > desktop session > autostart
add the script and select run on “startup”
to get the right icon for “Android Messages”
create a desktop launcher of “Android Messages”
launch “Android Messages”
launch kdocker
the mouse cursor becomes a kdocker cursor
put the cursor to the window of “Android Messages” then left click
“Android Messages” is minimized in the systray
right click on “Android Messages” icon
go to “options” > set icon
go to .local/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/
select “Android Messages” icon
that’s all