Fresh install 12.1 KDE desktop freshly partitioned drive.
Will NOT login to KDE desktop, can login to IceWM desktop.
When trying to login to KDE plasma, all I get is a small window on login background with HHD icon, config icon, Showdesktop Icon and something else cant tell it is blured. Nothing works, mouse clicks and hot keys do NOTHING, can ctrl+alt+backspace back to login screen. Login screen button to show login options shows 2 KDE plasma and 1 KDE plasma (failsafe) .
Tried unconditional updating packages in yast, renamed .kde4 folder, deleted .kde4 folder but no joy and also did complete reinstall from scratch same deal.
Any thoughts or sugjestions how to get it to start
>Fresh install 12.1 KDE desktop freshly partitioned drive.
>Will NOT login to KDE desktop, can login to IceWM desktop.
>When trying to login to KDE plasma, all I get is a small window on
>login background with HHD icon, config icon, Showdesktop Icon and
>something else cant tell it is blured. Nothing works, mouse clicks and
>hot keys do NOTHING, can ctrl+alt+backspace back to login screen. Login
>screen button to show login options shows 2 KDE plasma and 1 KDE plasma
>(failsafe) .
>Tried unconditional updating packages in yast, renamed .kde4 folder,
>deleted .kde4 folder but no joy and also did complete reinstall from
>scratch same deal.
>Any thoughts or sugjestions how to get it to start
Hate to say it, but it sounds like your install media is defective.