kde desktop globe satellight view -- no clouds

I have 2 pcs that use the kde globe background with satellite clouds. One stopped showing clouds 3 or 4 days ago but the other is still working fine. Both of these pc should have the same software because I have been using apper to keep them up to date. I only have the standard repos plus packman enabled on both.
Anyone have any ideas on how to get my clouds back or how to trouble shoot?

To check whther it is profile issue,try creating a new user and check whether clouds appear in that new user

I created a new user and clouds do appear and work properly. What should I do now? I have looked for marble config files but could not find any, probably because I do not know where to look.

The configuration file is ~/.kde4/share/config/marblerc, and the maps are stored in ~/.local/share/marble/

I would suggest you to remove (better: rename) the latter one first and see if it helps…

Hello, thanks for the reply.

I have renamed ~/.local/share/marble and restarted the screen background. A new marble folder was created but still no clouds, there is not a clouds folder as there is in the new test user. I then copied over the clouds folder from the test user and changed owner etc… Still no clouds.

I do not seem to have a marblerc anywhere on this computer, maybe that is the problem? But the new user has clouds??? I am stumped.

So you don’t have ~/.kde4/share/config/marblerc ?
Well, I guess the wallpaper plugin saves it’s settings in ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc then.
So you could try to remove that and reconfigure your background settings.
But be careful; if you do that, all your plasmoids are gone from your desktop, you have to set them up again (and if you had notes, they will be gone forever). So better just rename this file to check if it helps…

You could also just try to change your background to a simple wallpaper and then change it back.

I had to uninstall and then re-install marble and its plasmoids to get marble clouds working properly again. I did try moving marblerc from another working pc but it did not help either. Anyway, problem solved. :slight_smile: