KDE - Default Blue Glow/Shadow on Active Window, How to Change?

KDE 4.3.5

I have desktop effects on and window shadows enabled. The main windows don’t seem to follow this, nor does any taskbar pop-ups when you hover your mouse over them. I even set the shadow settings to high/annoying settings but I only see it on context/right-click menus.

I don’t like the blue shadow because it is too light, but I can’t seem to find where to change it. This seems to also apply to in-active windows as far as the size of the shadow but with a gray shadow instead. Still, if the desktop effects were effecting this, then the shadows I see should be large. Plus, desktop effects only give you one color choice with it just being darker on the active window.

Anyone know how to change this?

Tried changing the theme?

I think the blue is Oxygen.

I tried that. The only way that it seems to follow what my desktop effects are is to not use the Oxygen or Ozone window themes (Appearance > Windows) This seems like Oxygen and Ozone have their own, unchangeable, overrideable shadow scheme.

I’ve not got the answer, i’m just subscribing to this thread cos that stupid blue glow annoys the hell out of me too.

The thing is I have used SUSE before and I could swear that I turned it off, I just can’t remember how i did it…!!>:(

If I understand correctly then those task bar pop-ups are Plasma anyway, and are not even intended to be affected by window shadows that can be enabled as part of the desktop effects.

As for the rest, I think that the Oxygen Window Decorations indeed have their own unchangeable (as of now) shadows.

If you want to get rid of the glow/shadow of the Oxygen Window Decoration, try ‘Systemsettings > Appearance > Windows’. In my case, when I select the Oxygen theme, there is the tab “Shadow” where I can set the size of what is called “Window Drop-Down Shadow” to 0.

There is no “Shadow” tab for me.


Hello spoovy,

That option is only available in KDE 4.4.x or higher.

That seems to me the best solution.
If you really want to use the Oxygen theme without the glow then you need to update to KDE 4.4.x.

Best of luck!:wink:

I’m updating to 4.4 now, from what i’ve read it is nice and stable so there shouldn’t be any probs (fingers crossed)


Sorted! Seems to work ok, and what a relief to get rid of the glow! finally looks like an adult’s desktop.


You can edit the plasma theme through Systemsettings - Advanced - Plasmatheme details. You can set any aspect of the theme to that of another theme, thus creating the “Custom” theme.

I noticed that Kubuntu 10.04 also has that Shadow TAB, but I hate *buntu. I’m giving several distros a try on this pretty old laptop (Dell C810 512 RAM 1.1GHz P3) but openSUSE is always my main. My AMD Phenom X4 965 BE likes it and I must do what it tells me :slight_smile:

Trying Mandriva now. Haven’t used it since it was called Mandrake and came on floppies!

You will like Mandriva 2010. I’m trying out SUSE at the moment on my desktop and Mandriva on my laptop. Mandy is well ahead at the moment.

Actually, I think you’ll like openSUSE more than you like Mandriva.

I think Mandriva (KDE) is nice, but not for me. They disable the KDE ‘start’ menu openSUSE has, not to mention every other distro I’ve seen. The overall theme is too entrenched. openSUSE does not have such restrictions. Yes, Mandriva installed my nvidia drivers from the get go, but not hard to do in openSUSE.

One thing: why can’t openSUSE have the font settings that the other distros have from the beginning? It’s not hard to tweak the fonts afterward, but com-on! Been this way since 10!

As I was mentioning, I’m installing on an old P3 laptop, performance is very high on the consideration. Out of suse, kubuntu and mandriva, suse has the lowest memory usage from the beginning. Both Kubuntu and Mandriva were over 500mb used and had some in the swap. Mandriva was using 506,984 in memory including 272mb in buffers/cache. I’m looking at suse (using the free command in terminal) and it has 480MB used, 147MB in buffer/cache and 0 in swap.

One site your going to want to know for openSUSE: Welcome to openSUSE-Community.org - openSUSE-Community You’ll find all your codec and font smoothing needs there :wink: