When Firefox crashes, it asks if it is allowed to send information about the crash and I always answer yes, so the developers should have quite a lot information by now.
It was last week or so I downloaded some hundreds of megabytes of code in order to be able to give better error reports. It seems to work although cannot be sure. I think, I myself hardly can give better information. I changed to konqueror, and also it crashes, so the real problem is in KDE or somewhere else. If I select several files and try to drag them to another directory, the browser crashes, but if I, after selecting, choose copy and then paste to the other directory, that works.
Why I was wondering, that Dolphin still crashes,was because I did not know it is under development. I seemed the same, I used some time in late 90’s in Suse 8,9 or so, but I seem to be wrong.
Ok, there are also some other “errors”, I could tell, but I do not know exactly where to. One is that KDE is a little to sensitive. I mean, if I want to draw a window wider, the area I have to point with the mouse cursor is only some pixels wide and often happens that when I press the left button down, KDE pops up the window behind and when I drag, it moves that window. So the result is, that the window I tried to widen disappears and the window I did not want to move will be moved.
About the same happens also when there are e.g. some buttons in the bottom of a window and the windows bottom is nead the task bar and there are buttons e.d. Konqueror horizontaly in the same place. When I move the cursor to the button in the window, a transparen Konqueror window pops up and I cannot press the button I ought to. I am not sure, but it may be that, it is enough, that to happen, is that the bottom of the mouse arrow goes onto the task bar button.
When I now started, I want to mention still one thing. That is the same in Linux and in Windows, I mean transparency. When I move a window it becomes transparent. I do not find this very good. It is harder to see the borders of the window I am moving and also the windows behind, and mainly that is the important thing. If I had to position a window excactly over another one, maybe a little smaller one, this might be handy, but generally I just move the window to another place e.g. to see another window better. If the window, I am moving, is not transparent, I can notice better, when I have moved enough. Transparency looks nice, but to my mind it is not very user friendly. I have been making some 15 years GUIs for users who are using the program 8 hours a day, so I might see thinks a little different than occasional users.
Maybe this feature can be disabled.