KDe connect

On 12/20/2013 01:06 PM, whuntsman pecked at the keyboard and wrote:
> Silly question warning . . .
> Does KDe Connect work with an Android tablet, or would there really be
> any reason to use it with one? (I’m alos not sure exactly what you would
> use it for with a tablet, but that may be another question entirely.) I
> saw KDe Connect discussed as part of the 13.1 review on Linux Action
> Show, and that got me curious. Thanks.

You can use it to share pictures/files. At least I do.


search for it in Google Play
If it is compatible with your tablet then you will be able to download it.
If it is not compatible then either you wont be able to find it or there will be a little warning near the top of the page telling you it is not compatible with your device.
But . . . chances are that it will work just fine with your tablet.

jdmcdaniel3 wrote:

> The word is to open ports 1714-1764 for udp and tcp
I was able to do this via Yast no problem
Just adding the range like this

You can add a widget to the panel or desktop but it is also found in
system settings under hardware

Looks like I was mistaken
Only method that works is taking the firewall down.

Solved it for me :wink:


Maybe a bug in setting port range in firewall if explicit list works and range does not???

I just read this thread when I had a problem with seeing my android phone on my openSUSE 13.1 I have used the method caf4926 “#23” describes and have no problems
I had a little trouble finding out how kde connect works but gets it to run fine .

And even easier way (tried and tested):

Yast -> Firewall -> Allowed Services -> Service to Allow -> Select KDE Connect [this pertains to External Zone] -> Save.

Hope that assists.

Just started looking at this, as I was skimming through the posts I was wondering whether a Service had already been created, and as EazyVG describes, the Developers created it, and so simply enabling this should open all required ports.

Only missing from the above steps is to obvious “Add” the selected KDE Connect service before saving. And, of course as noted should be applied to the External Zone.


Worked here using above method :).


Added KDE Connect service to external firewall zone. I find upon every reboot I have to ping laptop from phone to get device to show. I am using factory.

Actually, when I get pinged by a notification, phone shows up as paired again, so it’s not like I’m out of the loop. It is working after a fashion, just not seen by PC post boot until alert/ping. Free functionality, who’d complain?

What repo do I need for Tumbleweed in order to install kdeconnect-kde?

I currently have the following repos:

zypper lr -u

| Alias | Name | Enabled | Refresh | URI

1 | packman | packman | Yes | Yes | http://packman.inode.at/suse/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/
2 | repo-debug | repo-debug | Yes | Yes | http://download.opensuse.org/tumbleweed/repo/debug
3 | repo-non-oss | repo-non-oss | Yes | Yes | http://download.opensuse.org/tumbleweed/repo/non-oss
4 | repo-oss | repo-oss | Yes | Yes | http://download.opensuse.org/tumbleweed/repo/oss
5 | repo-update-non-oss | openSUSE-20141107-Update-Non-Oss | No | No | http://download.opensuse.org/update/20141107-non-oss/

The same as for any other openSUSE version: KDE:Extra

See here: