KDE auto adjust window button position fixed yet?

Hi, I’m using Gnome at the moment. I want to give KDE a try. Not so long ago, I tried KDE, but I wasn’t so happy with it because the windows didn’t look so nice. For instance, when I made the window’s width of an application (e.g. Kopete) smaller, KDE didn’t seem to automatically adjust the order of the window’s buttons instead a half of the button was still appeared and the other half was hidden. In other words, it just saw a half of some buttons when the size of the window is smaller than it’s supposed to be. In Gnome when I do that the affected buttons will be hidden and a small “down arrow” appears. When I click on that arrow, there will be a list of buttons that are currently hidden.
I need to know if this issue has been fixed in new version of KDE yet?