KDE ATi graphic driver problems

I have a problem with graphics on openSUSE during last few releases 11.2,3,4. Actually it’s not a problem, it’s more graphics glitch, but a bit annoying. When I open an application (LibreOffice Writer or Firefox, or Dolphin) and when I resize window or minimize/maximize it shows like a laggy graphics glitch. It lasts for a half a second or less than that so it’s hard to take a screenshot, but I’ve done it. Problem persists when I use openSUSE 12.1 KDE liveCD in live mode. I’ve tried kubuntu 12.04 in live mode, I’ve didn’t noticed any graphics glitches, so I think it is openSUSE related problem.

http://thumbnails72.imagebam.com/19024/a525ed190231954.jpg](http://www.imagebam.com/image/a525ed190231954) http://thumbnails77.imagebam.com/19024/dd347e190231964.jpg](http://www.imagebam.com/image/dd347e190231964) http://thumbnails76.imagebam.com/19024/d88dc9190231973.jpg](http://www.imagebam.com/image/d88dc9190231973) http://thumbnails6.imagebam.com/19024/6c82d8190231981.jpg](http://www.imagebam.com/image/6c82d8190231981)

Snapshots 3rd and 4th are related with another problem. That problem happend me twice. First time was few weeks ago and second was today. It happened suddenly. I was browsing internet and listening music when it happends. The screen just turned black, music still played. I moved a mouse pointer over the desktop and it started to show mi graphic elements. I’ve taken a few screenshots (snapshots 7,8,9,20,24). Also, few weeks ago during usual activities (browsing, music) monitor just switched off, music was playing. I’ve tried to manually turn on/switch off monitor on power button, but nothing happends. Only system reboot solved a problem.
I’m using 32bit KDE openSUSE 12.1. I have Phenom X4 960T, Asus M5A97-Pro, 4GB DDR3 Kingston HyperX blu, Asus ATi Radeon 4870, Samsung SSD830, HD502HJ, HD103SJ, HD154UI. I’ve installed fglrx drivers using atiupgrade script. Problem persists when I’ve used unofficial ATi repository (Bruno Friedmann instructions). Here is my repo list

linux-5aey:/home/bojan # zypper lr
#  | Alias                              | Name                                                                                 | Enabled | Refresh
 1 | KDE_Distro_Stable                  | KDE 4.7.4 packages (openSUSE_12.1)                                                   | Yes     | No     
 2 | KDE_Extra                          | Additional packages maintained by the KDE team (openSUSE_12.1)                       | Yes     | No     
 3 | KDE_UpdatedApps                    | Backports of latest application releases to stable openSUSE releases (openSUSE_12.1) | Yes     | No     
 4 | Subpixel                           | Subpixel hinting enabled packages (openSUSE_12.1)                                    | Yes     | Yes    
 5 | Updates-for-openSUSE-12.1-12.1-1.4 | Updates for openSUSE 12.1 12.1-1.4                                                   | Yes     | Yes    
 6 | home_please_try_again              | testing (openSUSE_12.1)                                                              | No      | No     
 7 | openSUSE-12.1-12.1-1.4             | openSUSE-12.1-12.1-1.4                                                               | No      | No     
 8 | opensuse-guide.org-repo            | libdvdcss repository                                                                 | Yes     | Yes    
 9 | packman                            | Packman repository (openSUSE_12.1)                                                   | Yes     | Yes    
10 | repo-debug                         | openSUSE-12.1-Debug                                                                  | No      | Yes    
11 | repo-debug-update                  | openSUSE-12.1-Update-Debug                                                           | No      | Yes    
12 | repo-non-oss                       | openSUSE-12.1-Non-Oss                                                                | Yes     | Yes    
13 | repo-oss                           | openSUSE-12.1-Oss                                                                    | Yes     | Yes    
14 | repo-source                        | openSUSE-12.1-Source                                                                 | No      | Yes    
linux-5aey:/home/bojan # 

Anybody has any idea how to fix this problems?
openSUSE is my favourite distro, so answer “Use another distro!” is not an option. (Smile)
My english is not so good, I hope you understand me.


I’ve had similar issues.

In my case it was because during updates some packages were left behind from the prior version.

The fix was found by carefully going through the packages, using yast, and making sure all were from the same distribution version.

I found about 20 packages needed upgrading and about 8 downgrading.

It was a chore but rewarding.

I’m now using two Phenom X4 machines without problem.

Prior openSUSE version, or prior package version? I’ve installed a fresh openSUSE one month ago, after I quit ubuntu. (I’ve used ubuntu 11.10 few months.)

Hi Recoba20

can you post the output of ‘zypper lr -d’ (without the quotes), it gives a bit more info.

from the zypper output provided there are several possible sources of mis-matching,

  • KDE 4.7.4 packages (openSUSE_12.1)
  • Backports of latest application releases to stable openSUSE releases (openSUSE_12.1)
  • openSUSE-12.1-Oss
  • Updates for openSUSE 12.1 12.1-1.4

its also possible that when updating, the repository has only been partially updated

just as a suggestion, go into yast-software manager, click on the Repositories tab,
(if you can’t see one, click on ‘View’ then select ‘Repositories’)
once the tab is showing, click on ‘Installed Available’ columb header until the installed packages are at the top
then click on the selection bar (between the ‘Packages’ installed and ‘Repositories’ tab) ‘switch system packages’
(select your preference if any conflicts are found)
then update any packages shown in RED or BLUE

hope the above helps, (if not the X11 configuration files should be looked at next).

Well, I lost my patience and I reinstalled openSUSE. Now I’m using KDE 4.8 repositories (release and extra). I’ve also prioritised repositories, so I gave higher priority to kde repos. Graphic artifacts are present but so far I haven’t experienced total loss of graphics (screen turn black) as it was before. KDE 4.8 is a bit faster compare to 4.7, but it has more bugs. Here is my repo list

linux-bm88:/home/bojan # zypper lr -d
#  | Alias                              | Name                                                                          | Enabled | Refresh | Priority | Type   | URI                                                                                | Service
 1 | KDE_Extra                          | Additional packages maintained by the KDE team (KDE_Release_48_openSUSE_12.1) | Yes     | Yes     |    9     | rpm-md | http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/Extra/KDE_Release_48_openSUSE_12.1/ |        
 2 | KDE_Release_48                     | KDE 4.8 Release Packages (openSUSE_12.1)                                      | Yes     | Yes     |    9     | rpm-md | http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/Release:/48/openSUSE_12.1/          |        
 3 | Subpixel                           | Subpixel hinting enabled packages (openSUSE_12.1)                             | Yes     | Yes     |   11     | rpm-md | http://pmbs-api.links2linux.org:8080/Subpixel/openSUSE_12.1/                       |        
 4 | Updates-for-openSUSE-12.1-12.1-1.4 | Updates for openSUSE 12.1 12.1-1.4                                            | Yes     | Yes     |   49     | rpm-md | http://download.opensuse.org/update/12.1/                                          |        
 5 | download.opensuse.org-Stable       | openSUSE BuildService - LibreOffice                                           | Yes     | Yes     |   30     | rpm-md | http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/LibreOffice:/Stable/openSUSE_12.1/       |        
 6 | home_please_try_again              | testing (openSUSE_12.1)                                                       | Yes     | Yes     |   99     | rpm-md | http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/please_try_again/openSUSE_12.1/    |        
 7 | openSUSE-12.1-12.1-1.4             | openSUSE-12.1-12.1-1.4                                                        | No      | No      |   99     | yast2  | cd:///?devices=/dev/disk/by-id/ata-Optiarc_DVD_RW_AD-7240S,/dev/sr0                |        
 8 | opensuse-guide.org-repo            | libdvdcss repository                                                          | Yes     | Yes     |   11     | rpm-md | http://opensuse-guide.org/repo/12.1/                                               |        
 9 | packman.inode.at-suse              | Packman Repository                                                            | Yes     | Yes     |   10     | rpm-md | http://packman.inode.at/suse/12.1/                                                 |        
10 | repo-debug                         | openSUSE-12.1-Debug                                                           | No      | Yes     |   99     | NONE   | http://download.opensuse.org/debug/distribution/12.1/repo/oss/                     |        
11 | repo-debug-update                  | openSUSE-12.1-Update-Debug                                                    | No      | Yes     |   99     | NONE   | http://download.opensuse.org/debug/update/12.1/                                    |        
12 | repo-non-oss                       | openSUSE-12.1-Non-Oss                                                         | Yes     | Yes     |   51     | yast2  | http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/12.1/repo/non-oss/                       |        
13 | repo-oss                           | openSUSE-12.1-Oss                                                             | Yes     | Yes     |   50     | yast2  | http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/12.1/repo/oss/                           |        
14 | repo-source                        | openSUSE-12.1-Source                                                          | No      | Yes     |   99     | NONE   | http://download.opensuse.org/source/distribution/12.1/repo/oss/

Have you tried,
at repository Index of /repositories/Kernel:/stable/standard

its working well for me, I’m also using the KDE 4.8 repo and only occasionally get screen debris in libreoffice calc