kde apps look and feel in gnome


I’m using openSuse 11 with gnome desktop, and last night i installed some kde applications, but and for some surprise their look and feel is different from the ones from gnome, i was convince that in opensuse both desktop (gnome and kde) applications look and feel was consistent.

Is something missing?

> Is something missing?

Only your understanding:

  1. Most KDE applications look and feel somewhat consistent.
  2. Most Gnome applications look and feel somewhat consistent.
  3. Most Apple applications look and fee somewhat consistent.
  4. Most Microsoft applications look and feel somewhat consistent.
  5. Most of those applications look and feel somewhat inconsistent when
    compared to those of another genre.


no, not ok

I heard that on openSuse KDE and gnome look and feel is very similar, as one of opensuse advantages, and that is what i wanted to check with this post.

Certainly you can mix-and-match. I’ve got a Gnome desktop with some KDE applets and some KDE programs, yakuake, cairo-dock, screenlets, devilspie.

It’s amazing how interoperable this stuff is. If you want to be obsessive about which is better, Gnome or KDE, or wish to impose a standard look’n’feel, then IMO it’s a waste of time. If, OTOH, you want to pick the best bits, openSUSE makes it easy.