KDE Add compress with ARK back to right select Actions file menu in Dolphin.

My Bad… My vision is not so good. Resolved.

My Tumbleweed is updated to most recent version.
When I right select on a file or folder under Actions compress with ARK is no longer in that menu.
I see now way to add it back.
How do you put it back?

I don’t need those encrypt and compress entries.
When the Actions menu is present screenshotting doesn’t work so no picture.


I don’t even have a “Compress with ARK” in “Actions” on my 13.2 KDE4 system…

There should be a “Compress” sub menu at the top-level though, right below “Actions”, which does exactly that, compress with ARK… :wink:

First sentence in opening post says "My Bad… My vision is not so good. Resolved. "
I’m trying to figure out why you took the time to reply LOL. :wink:

I overlooked (or misinterpreted) the “Resolved.”… :wink:

I misinterpreted it as well, but fortunately read further and saw your responses. Saved me AFN.:stuck_out_tongue: