KDE 4.7 base rip for 11.4

I’m looking for a way to install kdebase 4.7 with no additional dependencies.
My target is home desktop and I only want these : kdm, plasma, ark, dolphin, kdesu, konsole, okteta, kwrite, kate, kmix, ksnapshot.
There are things I don’t use but they get installed anyway and break kdm if removed.
These things are : akonadi, strigi, nepomuk, virtuoso, kfind, kgreeter and a couple of others, including libqtzeitgeist0 and PIM in general.
Also I don’t want kdm 4.7 features hence I use kdm3 as a login manager.

Is there a 4.7 build that doesn’t mind the removal of so called base components?
If not, is there a 4.4 repo for 11.4? I’d rather downgrade than deal with these things I don’t need.

On 08/29/2011 07:26 PM, finders wrote:
> I’m looking for a way to install kdebase 4.7 with no additional
> dependencies.

i do not have a direct answer for you, but to me it sounds like you
might need to become familiar with SUSE Studio where you can build your
own distribution, see: http://susestudio.com/

having said that, is yours a hard drive space problem, or a insufficient
RAM problem, or not enough CPU cycles or what? i mean, can’t you just
ignore the stuff you don’t need which the system might need?

maybe would be best off with a ‘lighter’ desktop…there are several
which are not weighed down with those capabilities you mention…

anyway, it seems the main things you don’t want have to do with desktop
search…i don’t quite remember how i did it but those invasive
indexers don’t seem to be working here (which i found out too late means
when i open a directory in Dolphin i can’t use the search blank…booooo!!)

have you looked at LXDE, or XFCE or any of the dozens of other options??

openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobile” of operating systems!

XFCE is good, I’m using it. Doesn’t change anything though, I’d still like to have a KDE 4.7 rip.
I’ve done rips before, I’ve broken packages on purpose and combined 3.5 components with 4.x releases lots of times.
The thing is, kdebase is built that way so it breaks completely when PIM or indexing removed.
I don’t think susestudio build can change that, used it a couple of times and couldn’t rip these things from the base pattern.
IMHO if non-critical components are removed, kdm should start and notify not just fail to start.
Anyway, about my second question, I presume there is no 4.4 build for 11.4?

I think you give a knock on the doors of the KDE devs. They might be able to help.

I’ve seen this thread but I don’t really believe a user should compile own DE just to remove a couple of non-critical features.
I’ll quote the linked thread here :

“KDE can be built without these components. Petition the Slackware developers to not include them in the distribution.”

I don’t want to petition anything, just asking if such build already exists for openSUSE 11.4. I’ll probably just rip 4.4 or 4.6 for personal use.
Thanks for the help, cheers.

Another thing that came to my mind: why not use openSUSE Studio, and create your own install media with this slick KDE rip?

i would stand in line for a nepomuk/strigi/akonadi/mysql-less KDE4 edition…

if you don’t use these tools, they are just dead weight.

On 08/31/2011 08:16 AM, j xavier wrote:
> i would stand in line for a nepomuk/strigi/akonadi/mysql-less KDE4
> edition…

have you tried reducing the memory available to nepomuk, or disabling
nepomuk’s automatic backups, or just disabling nepomuk/strigi completely?

> if you don’t use these tools, they are just dead weight.

not running they not so very heavy to carry on a multi-GB hard
drive…are they?

DD Caveat
openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobile” of operating systems!

So I disabled the services and removed the bins, but I’m forced to script this procedure since they show up again each update.
I can’t see the point, if I can remove knetworkmanager and it never comes back, why isn’t it possible to do the same with indexing and PIM?

Drive space or memory isn’t my problem, it’s the fact that I’m used to minimal selection of components in order to maintain a short list of installed packages.
I’ve done this with KDE3 and XFCE long time ago and it’s a habit, that’s all. I just never use patterns.

And another thing that’s not very clear to me, why 4.7 makes libqtzeitgeist0 mandatory?
I’d prefer the option to keep “revolutionary new and uber-cool GNOME3 features” out of KDE but unfortunately, kwin doesn’t start without it, neither does dolphin.
Seriously, I’m thankfull for the 3.5.10 repo and evergreen project. I’ll watch 4.7 in VM for a while but I’m not letting it near my USB keys or HDDs.

I’m sorry for hijacking these two questions, I’m aware they’re directed at someone else.

On 08/31/2011 12:26 PM, finders wrote:
> So I disabled the services and removed the bins, but I’m forced to
> script this procedure since they show up again each update.

after each update? do you mean each new install of a new version?

why not just open the main menu, type ‘nepomuk’ or ‘strigi’ or ‘desktop’
and click on the resulting “Desktop Search” and disable them, and
leave the services and ‘bins’ (?) alone! won’t they then also be
disabled after the next ‘update’? (i do not know, but there is no need
to script anything)

openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobile” of operating systems!

Every time kdebase updates to new version, it re-creates these bins and makes autostart link in /usr all over again.
I know how to disable it, but I don’t want it on my drive at all. This is where simple rm -rf script comes along and saves my time.
Should I install every single package from the OSS repo and then disable 90% of things I don’t use and keep them on my drive as decoration?
It’s a waste of space and bandwidth.

For example, what if xorg package depended on vnc and failed to start with no vnc installed?
That would be fine as long as you installed vnc and disabled it right?

On 08/31/2011 02:46 PM, finders wrote:
> It’s a waste of space and bandwidth.

i do not know how to build a KDE from the ground up to where you want it
(rather than install it as it comes and tear it down to where you want
it)…maybe someone knows how to do that…but it ain’t me…you might
find one on a KDE forum (this is not that forum)…

as far as i know there is no “4.7 rip” laying around somewhere in the
openSUSE universe waiting for you to find it…

but, you could ask on the mail lists or IRC, there you will find some
devs…they are almost never on this forum, try:


openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobile” of operating systems!

I’m not asking for instructions on how to rip it or how to build it from scratch.
Just asking around to find out why are these components made mandatory when they really should be optional.
There’s not much difference between KDE pushing these semantics and MS pushing explorer is it? Where’s the freedom to opt-out? Freedom of choice?
But that’s more like a soapbox subject and I don’t really want to rant too much atm or bump the old 2008 threads.

tl;dr Removing dolphin doesn’t prevent kdm 4.7 to start while removing libqtzeitgeist0 does. Why?

On 08/31/2011 05:16 PM, finders wrote:
> Just asking around to find out why are these components made mandatory
> when they really should be optional.

we are a support forum of enthusiasts and volunteers … users helping
users … we are not a packaging nor a development forum.

If one wishes to reach the packagers or developers of openSUSE then the
place(s) to do so are clearly marked in the Communications channel wiki
for openSUSE <http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Communication_channels>
where the places are the mailing list, and the IRC freenode chat
channels such as #opensuse-factory. The openSUSE forums is not the place.

If one wishes to recommend an improvement to openSUSE, then the place to
do so is openSUSE fate <https://features.opensuse.org/>. The openSUSE
forums is not the place.

If one wishes to report a bug, then the place to do so is at Bugzilla
<http://tinyurl.com/nzhq7j>. The openSUSE forums is not the place.

as far as i know there are zero people here who could answer your “why
is it not optional” question…

> There’s not much difference between KDE pushing these semantics and MS
> pushing explorer is it? Where’s the freedom to opt-out? Freedom of
> choice?

you don’t have to use KDE…but, if you choose to you are free to
change the source code to your liking . . .

that is about as free as it gets…

> Removing dolphin doesn’t prevent kdm 4.7 to start while removing
> libqtzeitgeist0 does. Why?

ask the KDE developers…they are not here.

openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobile” of operating systems!

hijack away… i’ll just stand over here and say … “what he said!”

this whole scenario is classic code bloat… granted the the tools are useful to some people, but making them required is a choice made upstream.