KDE 4.5 Shutdown, restart buttons go to KDE login screen rather than shuts down computer.

I did a fresh install of SUSE 11.3 on my laptop which was running 10.3. I did leave my home directory intact, however. Now, when I go to shutdown the computer, KDE exits and goes to the KDE login screen. if I then choose shutdown or restart from the menu on that screen, the computer does shutdown or restart. It just won’t do it from KDE as it did formerly in 10.3 and does properly with the same setup on my desktop machine.

Also, changes to my panel setup do not properly persist between sessions. Icons and widgets that I move, revert to their original positions. I can add them, but they won’t stay where I place them between sessions.

I’m guessing that some configuration file having to do with kde in my home directory was not properly updated when I installed 11.3, but I have no idea what that might be.

I’ve searched for this issue in the forums, but can only find threads on people whose computers won’t shutdown. My computer will shutdown, just not from within my KDE session. All options there lead to a simple session logout after which, the shutdown menu works as it should.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

For all trouble: what happens if you create a new user, and login as that user. Do the problems exist for that user?

Concerning the desktop: If not, it’s probably the plasma files in your ~/.kde4. The procedure below brings back the default openSUSE 11.3 KDE desktop, yet leaves settings for applications intact:

Hit Ctrl-Alt-F1
Login with username and password and do:

mkdir ~/.kde4/share/config/SAVED_PLASMA
mv ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma* SAVED_PLASMA

Now hit Ctrl-Alt-F7 to return to login screen, login to KDE and reapply your personal desktop appearance.

I did enter a new user and had the same problem. I also tried logging in as root, and had the same problem. Following your instructions did not correct the problem either.

There is one other clue. When I shut down from the menu on the kde login screen, rather than going to a character session showing the shutdown messages, the top half of the screen shows the image of two identical character sessions with the shutdown messages scrolling by. Could this be some strange xwindows configuration issue?