[KDE 4.5][Last update] Unmounting problem

I’m new here, so please:

  • Be honestly and polite
  • Forgot my English mistakes
  • Don’t be angry

By last update(is there’s some history of updates - OpenSUSE team promise to develop this for 11.2 and now Ubuntu support this) my KDE4.5 application can’t unmount external disk and other external storage devices.

Before last(yesterday’s) update all think works pretty fine. As now, if I mount device by Plasma, Dolphin can’t unmount it. Devices mounted by Dolphin can’t been unmounted by plasma.

I think the same problems will be cases between Nautilus/Dolphin, but it’s not tested yet.
When I tries unmount devices by another application, than it’s mounted, a dialog telling the device is not mounted by me appears.

I understood more restricted access to a devices. Some users can frustrated, when some broken application automatically unmounts mounted devices by another application, but actually dialog asking for a password is very unpleasant.

I’m not getting this.
Try a new user account, see if has the same problem.

Don’t worry. You’ll see that in this forum everybody respects those rules. You’ll feel always welcome. At least this is my (short) experience.

This sounds like an incomplete KDE4.5 update, or package conflicts perhaps? Anyway, please post results of

zypper lr -d

Maybe also run

zypper ve

and report back.