Kde 4.3.1 started booting slow, real slow, real slow… and logging out real slow. I tried un-instsalling everything since my last update. I then tried moving to the kde 4.3.5. Same problem. Any clues or should I just do reinstall? I am running a ACCER laptop Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 550 @ 2.00GHz. I have been using Linux for 10yrs. but no guru… Thanks for any suggestions…
Did you try run ‘top’ in a terminal to what was running all your resources
I am unable to run ‘top’ during load of kde . the system is running to slow. Running GkellM and CPU is stuck at 99% during load of kde. I have tried turning GkrellM off same thing. Kde also is not remembering last folder view settings… once kde isrunning system runs fine.
Login with a console login
Once logged in as user, do this
mv .kde4 .kde4-backup
then to try starting the desktop
All your setting will be in .kde4-backup, as this starts a new kde4 instance
this is my main computer and I don’t wan;t to be wiping out my laptop. I know this won’t realy affect my personal stuff, but I will try this over the weekend. I have 3 linux machines, all run suse. All run flawlessly. I think this a kernel update problem. That’s when think I can pinpoint the problem happening (but I am no expert).
Roll back the kernel from a level3 boot and use yast
Boot to Level 3, then Yast and More… - openSUSE Forums