KDE 4.2

Hi to all,
I have just upgraded to Kde 4.2,which seems to work with 1 exception
I have lost the clock from the bottom right hand corner.
There is a space there which if I click on, a box comes up without the clock. I have tried adding a new widget but with the same result.

Can anyone tell me how to resolve the problem?.
Or failing that how do I get back to 4.1.


What have You done after upgrading to KDE 4.2 ?

Best idea is to rename the .kde4 folder in your home directory. You start with clean settings otherwise it causes some problems if you won’t do it.

thankyou It will be quicker to reinstall 4.1


It’s never quicker :slight_smile:

The other solution is to remove some files with name plasmarc and plasma something from that folder. After x restart everything is fine.

Thank You I tried that, the screen layout is different,
but still do not have the clock.

regards rushman

Since most people don’t have such issue you must have something wrong with a config file. Don’t downgrade yet, 4.2 is a lot better and mroe stable than 4.1.3. Just out of curiosity, which repositories have You used to upgrade to 4.2 ? The standard is to delete or move .kde4 folder. For me and most people here it worked with no problems.

thank you for your help.I am now running 4.2.2 although I did go via another route,it looks similar to yours and is as follows.
kquitapp plasma
rm ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma

it brought up the clock but removed the computor icon.
So I saved my dater format ed my drive, reinstalled 4.1.

1 clicked 4.2.2, but then had no sound,update,or yast icons.I then down loaded kde live and installed again from the disk.

All would now seem OK

looking on the internet there many with the same problem as me

thanks again rushman

When i installed from the KDE 4 Live CD i had no sound :slight_smile:

I had sound when i installed from the DVD installing 4.1 (bare minimum since i would upgrade it anyway) then upgrade to KDE 4.2.2 and voila! :slight_smile:

And since i hate the applications included on that Live CD i’d rather install from DVD and pull what i need :slight_smile:
I just hate having libraries/apps i don’t need :slight_smile:

I prefer the flexibility of the DVD.