KDE 4.2 panel widgets question


I installed openSUSE 11.1 with the default 4.1.3 KDE. Then installed the one-click 4.2 and no problems until I rebooted the system, then I noticed 2 widgets with no image appeared in the main panel (both were just white), which I removed right away because they meant nothing, clicking on them would do nothing. Then rebooted and the 2 widgets appeared again.

Anyone experienced the same here? If so, how did you work it around?


This was solved here. The two dead icons are probably launchers for Dolphin and Konqueror, since my situation was identical to yours.

kquitapp plasma && rm ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma* && plasma &

Many people (including myself) had problems with widgets on 4.2 upgrade.

Seems the best bet is to start again by running the above command.

reference other post: KDE4.2 broken icons on panel - openSUSE Forums