KDE 4.2.2 is good

Hi Guys,

Now I’m still kinda new to the forums and to linux. I only have at least 6 months of it under my belt.

I’ve tried OS from redhat, fedora and ubuntu (booo, lol). I like opensuse the best.

Now in all of those different OSs, KDE sucked!!!>:( Big time. I had very little experience and it was really hard moving from GNOME to KDE. compiz didn’t work smoothly and it was just chaos. RE-INSTALL. too unstable to deal with.

Now with opensuse i wanted to try something. I started with KDE 4. That looked promising but was still very buggy. Went straight back to GNOME.

Then i heard the hype about KDE 4.2. I had always loved the look of KDE 4 but was too buggy. I imaged my LINUX OS and gave KDE a try. FRESH Install. had to upgrade from the default 4.1 in 11.1 to 4.2.

First impressions pretty good. But compiz still had its issues with the NVIDIA 180.xx drivers so I stuck with KWIN. nice…
The OS really matured. so stable. It finally had support for my front panel controls for volume. Although the multimedia buttons still don’t work on the default media players.

FINALLYY standby and hibernate actually works properly. No fear of needing to do a hard reboot after standby or hibernation. Loaded up my cairo-dock and the plasmoids. All running nicely. Although sometimes plasma would play the fool and I would have to log out and back in again to get the plasmoids to stop moving to one point on my desktop. (I leave them lock)

amarok still bugs me. Still have to be stuck with the KDE 3.5 version with its BIG fonts that don’t match the rest of the desktop. the new amarok cause me to un-install my plasma by mistake. (LOL what a noooby mistake). Managed to get that fix by actually remembering what was un-installed and used zypper on console. rotfl!

The new JUK looks nice but still too simple.

Synopsis: KDE 4.2.2 actually put KDE desktop in a fighting chance against GNOME. Its now workable. I recommend KDE before GNOME for those who move from windows. its easier to find stuff and do stuff. Not saying that you don’t get to use the console buts its great.

OH yea. Don’t forget, THIS IS A NOOB’S EXPRESSIONS ;). Some of the problems that I stated may be fixed, but being a noob, I wouldn’t know how to fix it or knew that there was a fix. (you guys noticed that you have some 140 processes running???)

Sabbyman lol!

Excellent. Glad you like it. Indeed, it’s a big improvement over KDE4.0 and even 4.1. However, it’s still somewhat shaky. I currently have a problem with the terminal where it forgets its settings and reverts to default ones. Still trying to figure out how to fix it

As for the processes, don’t worry, most will be asleep :slight_smile:

man, you guys fast. lol.

Once the processes are asleep, I’m good with that. Is there a way that I can filter which process isn’t asleep? Cuz, some of the processes actually use some memory.

You can view processes from a terminal with


or via the GUI
system monitor
you filter by clicking eg: Mem column header

Don’t worry about it or the apparent lack of memory, it’s mostly cached. This is not windows now.

in addition to what caf said, processes always use memory, even the ones who are asleep. Sleeping processes means they don’t use CPU time. In linux you also have background processes called daemons :slight_smile:

yea i know about deamons. Its just different to how GNOME lays them out. Just have to get accustomed.

I’ve been using for the past 3 weeks exclusively. If i need a windows app, i look for a LINUX alt or use WINE.

Yes TOP is very efficient. Thanks

daemons don’t have much to do with gnome or kde. They are background processes. I guess your talking about how gnome monitors displays them, no?

Yea microship. I meant how GNOME displays them.

Umm, just wondering. Does KDE 4.2.2 support me changing the theme from Oxygen and plastik. I’m kinda tired at looking at the oxygen titlbar. lol. I mean short of using emerald

yes it does, in KDE’s control center somewhere in Appearance or Desktop settings, look around

EDIT; if you use classic folder view desktop, you can right-click and choose “Appearance settings”

[QUOTE=sabbyman;1977619]Hi Guys,

Now I’m still kinda new to the forums and to linux. I only have at least 6 months of it under my belt.

I’ve tried OS from redhat, fedora and ubuntu (booo, lol). I like opensuse the best.

Now in all of those different OSs, KDE sucked!!!>:( Big time. I had very little experience and it was really hard moving from GNOME to KDE. compiz didn’t work smoothly and it was just chaos.

Well the distros you tried are pro-GNOME. openSUSE on the other hand is a really nice KDE implementation; especially with the backports.

I hated kde and then switched to gnome. For some reason gnome on opensuse was just so boring and the nautilus browser blew compared to dolphin. I decided to reinstall opensuse , updated it during installation and upgraded to kde 4.2.2 asap. i haven’t experienced as much problem as i did before. I’ve also made sure to backup my system. i tried kubuntu but it was nothing compared to opensuse.

KDE fanboy here :wink:
The nVidia driver shouldn’t be a problem, I install it ‘by hand’ (i.e. compile it against the kernel) and never had a problem, it just means doing it again after a kernel update, takes <3min.
Compiz-fusion works fine for me, better than the kwin thingy.

Yep KDE 4.2.2 looks like what people expected when 4.0 was released :slight_smile:

I can’t change the style. There is only an option for default things like oxygen and stuff.


have a look at the pics



1 word: HOW???

looks nice btw

you need to set the Floderview to show traditional desktop with icons. Right-click and choose “Folder view settings”, then choose the “Show the desktop folder” option

no not that. I want to know how you manage to get the titlebar different to that of oxygen or plastik or web. that sort of stuff


The titlebar is in Configure Desktop (Personal Settings). Under Look and Feel choose Appearance. Click Windows. From here the Window Decoration tab is selected. Click on the dropdown menu for a list of different window decorations to choose from.


Good Luck,


I just went from suse 10.3 gnome to 11.1 gnome and then KDE.
It looks fantastic!!!

Does KDE have more problems with usb wifi sticks?
Havent tried mine yet, using ethernet.
I had read that it had problems with usb wifi, one of the reasons I stuck with gnome.
But it really looks great, and with the oxygen theme…

Not sure, but I would be to think if there was a problem with wifi it would not be dependent on what Desktop Environment you’re using. I could be wrong though.

I’ve only tried one usb wifi stick, the WUSB100 Version 2 also known as the Cisco RangePlus Wireless Network USB Adapter, and I couldn’t get it to work, even with ndiswrapper. Someone else was able to get it to work but they were using 64bit drivers. That’s just my experience with usb wifi. You’d probably have to ask in the network/internet section of the forum.

Here’s the page that shows tested support for usb.

HCL/Network Adapters (Wireless) - openSUSE

Good Luck,
