KDE 4.2.1 device mount plasmoid not working

Clean openSUSE 11.1 64bit with only KDE4.1 installed, then updated to 4.2.1

When I plug my USB drive into a port, the standard desktop plasmoid (on the taskbar) doesn’t auto mount the device.

I have to run Dolphin and click on the (thankfully available) volume in order to mount it.

Any ideas how to fix this?

Thanks :slight_smile:

AFAIK you have to click on the icon in the auto-mount plasmoid to get it to mount. It will also give you other options if they are available for the device.

The problem is that nothing appears in the plasmoid’s list until I click on the device in Dolphin and mount it.

Then it shows up in the mounter plasmoid and I can unmount from there.