KDE 4.1 Built In to Install

Is there any way to build KDE 4.1 into the openSUSE 11.0 iso? I want to install KDE 4.1 out of the box, without having to do 4.0 and then upgrading it. Is there a download available for this, or anyway to manually build it?

There has been discussion re a re-mastered DVD or other means to incorporate 4.1 into the 11.0 install once it’s released; I don’t know the current status (probably the mods do, though). I presume you know that 4.1 is not yet released (but very close), also that there is a 1-click install for the 4.1 update. Also take a look at this openSUSE News » YaST Tools for Creating Installation Media and Appliances and, to get really serious, this Build Service - openSUSE.

No, I did not know it was not released yet… The KDE website has the release anouncement:

K Desktop Environment - KDE 4.1 Release Announcement

I also have used the openSUSE 1 click installer for it.

Anyway, I will take a look at this Yast tool for creating images. Maybe that will lead me somewhere, and I will keep my eyes out for that possible re-mastered image…

You can use kiwi for that sort of thing, check under the opensuse.org wiki. It’s the same thing Stephan Binner has been using to produce the various openSUSE KDE4 LiveCDs, and it seems to work pretty brilliantly.

Having said that, there is also a LiveCD for KDE 4.1/openSUSE 11.0, though I’m not sure if it includes an installer?

Anyways, hope this helps…


I’m apparently a day or so behind the news curve :slight_smile: . . .

openSUSE News » KDE 4.1 Released With openSUSE Packages and Live CD