I doubt if you’ll get much traction on the KDE Runtime request. The 4.1 repo is Factory; there is on-going development so there is always the risk of something being (temporarily) broken. Of course, as you found, overlooking the dependencies will break something.
Ehhh… don’t feel bad. I sat there and looked at the big Red Astericks warning me about dependency issues with QT4 and decided to ignore and update anyway. (And I’ve been fooling around with Linux for 4 years!!)
However, on my machine I haven’t logged off and logged back in so I can do the zypper update thing and all should be well. (I hope)
Funny I came on here specifically for this problem and found this thread which explains what happened – first go around.
I swear that’s the first time I did a search and came up with a thread with the solution the first time. lol!
I have updated and I have a sys that works…but like someone else said, no panels no desktop icons/widgets, wrong wallpaper…it was like someone did a reinstall removed my kde folders and such…
I can put icons and widgets back but now there are no labels to what they are…just icons…properties tells me what they are…no name under the icon…
So to go back to the other question…I have been to both URL’s what is the diff between the two repos??
I used the non-QT44 repo because that was the last post in the other thread - no one contradicted it. There were dependency problems with a couple (2 or maybe 3) apps that I use rarely or not at all. I told yast to not update them. A couple of repos were not accessible. They had nothing to do with this issue, but I said skip the problem updates.
Bottom line is: the non-QT44 repo worked fine for me; no checkerboard, no lost settings.
I set up the KDE:QT repo first, and still had the dependency problem. Then I saw the QT/44 repo, added that, and dependencies resolved. I checked before the update in the summary listing and it showed that QT/44 was the upgrade source. I was surprised because the initial dependency error was on libqt4-x11-4.4.1, which KDE:QT satisfies.
Usually it’s not worth the bother to wrack one’s brain figuring out these discrepancies. This is development, after all, and so everything is always in flux. Even the dependencies can’t be 100% guaranteed as correct - note that the plasma updates were allowed without the necessary KDE base and runtime libraries.
One thing I don’t think has been clear for many is that the 4.1 repo ref’d on the KDE4 page and sourced in the 1-click, is not static. It is not a frozen 4.1 release. It is continually updated, and while most of the time it is in sync with itself, not always. Like today.
Having said that, I have been updating 4.1 with every new wave of changes, 2-3 times a week. I’ve had a few individual package dependency issues, but this is the first time a major dependency was missed with a serious consequence. YMMV.
you know i had the same problem with kde 4.1.1 and resloved it by all the solutions here on the forums, but my problem was i use konsole to update my 4.1.1 and didn’t get any dependency issues so my question is what is the best command to use to update your system in konsole?
i’ve been using zypper up -t package
AFAIK zypper should be fine. Dependencies are built into the packages. So YaST and zypper will both miss the dependencies if they aren’t properly built in the first place, as happened today.
zypper would not work for me so I added the QT44 repo in Yast and then updated. I now have a working KDE4.1.1 system and my wireless has been restored.
I still have this weird problem in FF in KDE that is not present in Opera in KDE or FF in Gnome. It’s the disappearing checkmarks on webmail such as google or hotmail. If I place an “x” in a box to delete particular email or move it, the “x” does not appear until I click outside the box somewhere. I’ve tried it with compositing on and off. Makes no difference. I don’t have Compiz-Fusion installed.
I like KDE better than Gnome because of the plasmoids and this isn’t a huge issue, but it would be nice to know what is causing it.
Apparently for some of us the QT repo version satisfied the dependency, for others (like myself) the QT44. Like 4.1 Factory Desktop, all the packages in these repos are frequently changing. For now, whatever solves the problem should be what you use. However, the need to have added either one of these repo’s should be gone soon, i.e., the dependency will be satisfied when the package is updated in 4.1 Factory Desktop.
Thanks mingus, I’ll keep QT by itself I guess you’ll be keeping QT44. Also, thanks for the link in your last post.
It’ll be a good day when we won’t have so many & such confusing repos.
KDE:Qt is the only correct one, that was made clear with the “osc meta prj KDE:KDE4:Factory:Desktop” output.
To create the packages from KDE:KDE4:Factory:Desktop the source code is compiled using the libraries from KDE:Qt, no KDE:Qt44. And if you build using library A and then run using library B you never can be sure of the results.
$ osc meta prj KDE:Qt | grep description
<description>This project provides the Qt 4.x.x version that is currently being considered most stable whilebeing reasonably recent. It is a good target to _aggregate or to build against if your particular project or application needs a newer version of Qt. Users are recommended to add this repository if they want to update their Qt.</description>
$ osc meta prj KDE:Qt44 | grep description
<description>This repository contains Qt 4.4.x</description>
KDE:Qt has an updated but somehow stable Qt. KDE:Qt44… well, isn’t specified.
If someone still has problems after adding KDE:Qt then there is another problem. A good bug report would make sense.
Deleted everything that had “KDE4” in its name, via YaST.
Tried then to install everything that had “KDE4.1” in its name; the answer was : nothing.
Tried to reinstall KDE4 : got a lot of YaST messages telling me that something is missing and leaving only one option open for each of the 80 packages or do : do not install (to click one by one, which promised to be a rather long task).
So I aborted YaST operation and am back to KDE3.5, and I suppose I shall have to stick to it for a while :\
The KDE 4 packages need to be managed as a set. Filtering on the Factory KDE 4.1 Desktop (and Extras and Community, if using those, too) repository(ies) and “updating all in this list” will keep the packages synchronized.
Er… Filtering what and how on the “Factory KDE 4.1 Desktop” ???
Do I just have to replace in my repository list the /repositories/KDE:/KDE4:/Factory:/Desktop/openSUSE_11.0/ by /repositories/KDE:/KDE4.1:/Factory:/Desktop/openSUSE_11.0/ ?
Or is it not exactly as simple ? :\
21:14 : Hmm… I guess it is not : /repositories/KDE:/KDE4.1:/Factory:/Desktop/openSUSE_11.0/ : “Unable to find repository”
These repositories are here KDE/Repositories - openSUSE. These are not the Stable or Unstable repo’s; note that these are all mutually exclusive. You still need the oss and non-oss repo’s of course. And for the checkerboard glitch (until the Qt libraries are updated in Factory), the KDE:Qt repo.
In YaST Software Management you filter with the, er, Filter pull-down to the upper left. One of the choices is repositories. Click on ‘11.0 Factory 4.1 Desktop’ and you’ll see all the packages in the base KDE 4.1.x. Right-click anywhere in the list opens a context-menu, with the choice to update all in the list (that are already installed) for which there is a newer version available. Occasionally there will be a minor dependency problem which prevents updating some packages (this repo is not static, it is a constant work-in-progress). And once at least, the dependency was missed altogether and was not satisfiable from this repo anyway, i.e., the checkerboard problem here.