Fortunately there are KDE-3.5.10 repositories for openSUSE users who want openSUSE-11.2 with KDE-3.5.10. It is not officially supported, but the repository is there for users with the time to figure it out.
Plus openSUSE-11.1 still has a supported KDE-3.5.10 for users who are NOT willing to move. openSUSE-11.1 should be supported for another 10 to 11 months or so.
Reference this comment, I also note there are applications in KDE3 that do not reach the level of KDE4. Yes, in some areas KDE3 IS better. But in other areas KDE4 IS better.
For example, I was able to use the improved capability of openSUSE-11.1 with KDE4.3.2 to clone a latop display on a exernal projector in a corporate meeting last week. I could not do that with KDE3 (at least not without out restarting X, editing files (or changing files) etc … ) and delaying the meeting - and I say that about KDE3 as myself being an average Linux user. Basic Linux users would NOT have been able to do this with KDE3. But KDE4 “just worked”. It “just works” for beginner Linux users. It made a big difference for me in that corporate meeting.
Thats not to say users who MUST have a KDE3 feature should leave KDE3, but it does say to me that those KDE3 users better test KDE4, and ensure a bug report is written, and the bug report is being actively supported/tracked by them, to get their feature incorporated properly in KDE4. Because support for KDE3 has stopped, and KDE3’s days are numbers.
No end of complaining will change that. What will change that is new programmers to take on KDE3 maintenance, but I seriously doubt that will happen, as the KDE3 code base was already noted to be difficult to maintain, and I doubt anyone will want to take that task on. The software is old. Its not supported. And its difficult. Its a nightmare challenge that few would see the point in supporting.
The future is KDE4, and Novell in dropping KDE3 is lagging the other major distributions. Fortunately Novell, while up until openSUSE-11.1, while spending resources on KDE3, was still able to produce a KDE4 version that is as good if not better than that of other distributions.
… but back to the thread title: … one can STILL install KDE-3.5.10 on openSUSE-11.2, but its not a one-click install, nor is it an installation option. It will take time and effort, and it will not be supported.