I’m using opensuse Leap 15.3 with KDE 3.5.10 “release lp153”.
The login splash image does not show for longer than 2-3 seconds before the desktop shows up.
How do I make it show for a longer period of time?
Which file to edit?
Sorry, do not quite understand this. The login display should be there until you entered username and password and clicked “login”. And then it should vanish immediately.
Do you mean the splash shown while X and the desktop are starting? Here it is the lizard lamp with the spinning circle.
In a fast SSD/CPU system this time would be quite short. In a Ryzen system with nvme ssd I have here this lasts about 1 second. This system boots straight to the desktop, the login is automatic.
You’d have to insert a delay after X is loaded, I suppose. No idea how to do that, thou.
Then I still do not understand. That sort of thing is shown to make waiting until the starting of the desktop is finished a bit more bearable for the person that wants to start working (I do not know if this is scientific proven, but just showing a black screen seems to be something you can not do to a waiting person). Thus it vanishes when things are ready.
Thus when you want to see that longer, you have to make the starting of the desktop slower. Maybe use a slower CPU. Sorry, but I do not understand the idea behind it.