Kcron, Kdeadmin issue...

Hello there, sorry if this is on the wrong section.

[x]Suse 10 KDE Enterprise…

Okay, so I have a Tape Drive that I plan to run on a schedule. I wanted to use Cron; or to be specific KCron GUI tool.

I cannot seem to find the tool when i look for it at “Yast>Software Management>SM list”. I see its part of the Kdeadmin package. I searched for that too with no result.

Crom is enabled.

While on the web I found a place to download Kdeadmin: Kdeadmin-3.5.9 . I have it on my Desktop and am looking to install it or at least place it in the Software Management list in order to let Yast install it.

I have tried to use “Add-on Products” and browsed to the extracted Kdeadmin folder by “local directory” but leads to “Unable to create catalogue.” I imagine Im in the wrong place to begin with.

Can anyone help please?

Thanks for reading!

Kdeadmin will need to be compiled as it isn’t in rpm format


Thanks for the reply.

Seemed a bit long in the tooth for my time frame plus Im a bit of a novice.

Used this instead: Webmin

Very handy!!!

Check out this link

EDITED: Bad link. – it was cut-n-pasted from web site, but using the link goes somewhere different.