Kaffeine needs codecs

Hi all,

I am trying to figure out which codecs Kaffeine needs. It keeps complaining about needing codecs to play an mp3.

I have already installed w32codecs, gstreamer, plus a bunch others.



Use the search-engine of this forum, these questions have been answered multiple dozens of times.

You could also troubleshoot starting → here and → here.

Hi, I think you need to use libxine1 from the packman repository instead of the one shipped on the installation media. Maybe you already know this site: Restricted Formats - openSUSE-Community

I mentioned the link as well, but “doppelt hält besser” (make assurance double sure), as we germans say.

When installing libxine1, don’t forget to uninstall the ‘xine-lib’-package.

Hey Thanks for all your help.

I did actually do a search, but didn’t come up with answers that I needed.

