Since I don’t know what, Kaffeine, which worked fine, does not read this kind of movie.
In fact, there’s only a black screen in the player, or it seems that the movie goes immediatly to his end.
With MPlayer there’s no problem
I tried unsuccessfully to delete the directory ~/.kde/share/apps/kaffeine. Change the video driver in kaffeine’s options does not solve the problem.
I ran into this a few weeks ago, make sure that you also have libxine1-w32dll installed (from packman), there was a xine update a little while ago for me and suddenly these formats no longer worked, adding libxine1-w32dll next to w32codel-all solved it for me
as noted by Xilanaz, it is possible an xine update broke this.
it is possible this is associated with “special desktop effects” (ie “the cube” / 3D being enabled, and your mplayer is set to use ‘x11’ output video module, and you may need to do the same for ‘xine’ , setting it to an output video module of ‘x11’ (note ‘xv’ tends to be a better output video module, but it is not very compatible with “special desktop effects”).
it is possible you have run into a compatibility by inappropriately using a videolan libffmpeg0 packaged application, when you should instead be using the packman packaged application
it is possible you installed a crippled Novell/SuSE GmbH kaffeine, instead of the Packman packaged kaffeine.
You could tell us exactly what media players you have installed. What is the output of:rpm -q kaffeine libffmpeg0 libxine1 w32codec-all libxine1-w32dll if you do not see a “pm” in the version numbering, then you have installed a non-packman packaged version, and that could be your problem.
My understanding (based on some discussions on IRC #suse) is that typically, most of the codec’s that one uses are provided by the Packman packaged libffmpeg0. The media players packaged by Packman will look for the codec’s packaged by libffmpeg0. (if I have that wrong - perhaps someone could correct me). I believe the videolan packaged libffmpeg0 puts the codecs in a different location ( < not sure > ) and that causes problems. Hence it is best to stick with the Packman packaged libffmpe0.
Using w32codec-all and libxine1-w32dll is an xine specific work around for xine, but it will not solve this codec problem if it affects other media players (such as vlc). The best fix imho is to use the packman packaged libffmpeg0.
I typically recommend users setup their repositories with 4 and only 4 repositories, … with those 4 being OSS, NON-OSS, Update and Packman. There is guidance on setting up one’s repositories with openSUSE-11.0 here: Repositories/11.0 - openSUSE-Community
Again, note I recommend only OSS, NON-OSS, Update and Packman. Just those 4. No others. None. If software available only on another repos is needed, then the other repos can be briefly added on an adhoc if and as required basis, the software installed, and the repos removed/disabled. Adding and removing repos is incredibly quick to do with the zypper command and a simple cut and paste. ie it takes a handful of seconds.
Once one’s repositories are setup, one can replace any videolan packaged apps with Packman packaged apps.
My players are Kaffeine and MPlayer
libxine1-w32dll was not installed, so I’ve done it, and :
rpm -q kaffeine libffmpeg0 libxine1 w32codec-all libxine1-w32dll
le paquetage libxine1-w32dll n’est pas installé
Now that pm’s libxine1-w32dll is installed :
kaffeine can read wmv movies correctly, but not AVI files
My libffmpeg0 provides from the VLC channel that I don’t remember why I’ve added it.
So… I’ve removed the non-packman version of libffmpeg0 (which removed some dependencies), and downloaded again this software but from packman. I’ve removed too libxine1-w32dll and it seems that kaffeine works fine with AVI and wmv files.
So the problem came from channels as you say.
I use 7 channels (OSS, NON-OSS, Update, Packman,, Serveur Mail, Mozilla)
So I should remove, Serveur Mail and Mozilla ?
I dont think you really need to remove those channels, they wont have the media stuff anyways. Just stick to packman if you can for updates in media files like oldcpu said.
If it were me, I would remove the repos for OpenOfice and Serveur Mail. If there is a REAL important update for one of those, you will read about it and can add the repos if and when needed. One could make a good case for keeping Mozilla. Its unlikely to conflict with any other repository, and one gets the security updates very quickly.