Kaffeine crashing/freezing/misbehaving

My Kaffeine will freeze (usually 70% of the time) after pausing/unpausing. 10% of the time, it will play (after resume from pause) with no sound and then freeze after 5 seconds. Closing it fails, I have to “killall kaffeine” or wait until KWIN gives a notification, and a button allowing me to "TERM"inate it. I have the following installed:

felipe@cheetah:~> sudo zypper -vr se -i *kaffeine* *xine* *codec*               
Verbosity: 1                                                                    
Non-option program arguments: '*kaffeine*' '*xine*' '*codec*'                   
Initializing Target                                                             
Checking whether to refresh metadata for Packman
Checking whether to refresh metadata for openSUSE-11.1-Update
Checking whether to refresh metadata for X11:Xorg
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Force resolution: Yes

S | Catalog           | Bundle | Name                      | Version             | Arch
i | Packman           |        | amarok-xine               | 1.4.10-100.pm.2             | i586
i | Packman           |        | k3b-codecs                | 1.0.5-0.pm.7             | i586
i | Packman           |        | kaffeine                  | 0.8.7-2.pm.2             | i686
i | System Packages   |        | libavcodec52              | | i686
i | Packman           |        | libxine1                  |             | i686
i | Packman           |        | libxine1-codecs           |             | i686
i | Packman           |        | libxine1-gnome-vfs        |             | i686
i | Packman           |        | libxine1-pulse            |             | i686
i | openSUSE-11.1-Oss |        | opensuse-codecs-installer | 10.3.1-4.80             | noarch
i | openSUSE-11.1-Oss |        | phonon-backend-xine       | 4.1.3-4.1             | i586
i | Packman           |        | w32codec-all              | 20071007-0.pm.1             | i586
i | openSUSE-11.1-Oss |        | xinetd                    | 2.3.14-129.28             | i586


this week I recognized, that the sound vanished after ab out 2 min watching DVB-T. When changing the channel the sound was back, but only for 2 min again.
I didn’t check if this problem occured also when playing video files.



I don’t know about the rest of you guys using 11.1 KDE, but this release feels as buggy as 10.2 did when it was first released. Why?
I just want my Kaffeine back! Working perfectly, as it did in 11.0

Multi-media and Restricted Format Installation Guide - openSUSE Forums

I don’t have all those packages (I don’t need them all). But I don’t believe kaffeine freezing/crashing is related to this. am i wrong?

Well if you feel that is the case - fine. Consider this possibility:

switch the output video mode of your multimedia player from “auto” or from “xv” (xvideo) to “x11”

I opened xine options panel (in kaffeine), but I don’t have ‘x11’ in that list.

Your right
I was thinking smplayer
Have you tried that?

I haven’t tried smplayer. I wish kaffeine would work like it always has. It’s never let me down =)