kaddressbook, messaging field + facebook. How to use ?

In a contact in “contact” tab for “messaging” field we can select “facebook”.

But what can we put in “messaging” field ?

The messenger address ? as for example “m.me/193250724377738” or something else ?

Another question. If I display a contact then I put the mouse cursor over the messaging address then I click nothing happens. What to do according to send a messenger message ?



Have you checked the KDE KAddressBook Handbook? – <https://docs.kde.org/stable5/en/pim/kaddressbook/index.html>

  • AFAICS, provided that, you have a valid Facebook address for that Facebook user then, that should be enough.
  • Alternatively, use “«Facebook user name»@facebook.com” …

I’ve searched the KDE Forums for anything vaguely useful and, failed to find anything specific.