k9copy - rip multiple titles as seperate files?

This seems easy enough.

I have a DVD of a television show that I recently purchased that I want to back up as .avi files on my computer. At first I had some issues with Xvid encoding taking several hours for a 30min file, so I switched to MPEG-4 (DivX 4/5) and it takes about twenty minutes - problem solved.

As it stands now, I am having to rip each title (episode) one at a time. Is there a way to rip them all at once and have each title (episode) save as separate files in one batch job?

Thanks in advance.

Are you saying you can’t do this in k9? I haven’t tried myself.

A recent app acetoneiso
in packman and maybe some others - may be of use

I’ll give acetoneiso a try, but I’d like to figure this out in k9copy too.

Just to clarify, yes. I’m trying to rip multiple titles as different files, as opposed to one big file with one job as opposed to ripping each title individually.

I’m guessing that should be possible.
Oldcpu is the multi-media guru - you could pm him. I’m sure he won’t mind.

In k9, when you have initiated the read of titles, isn’t there check boxes, where you select the whole dvd or individual titles. I have only ever used the full copy feature, but for me at the moment it’s not working properly, it get right to the end of the copy and fails - can’t remember what the error is now.

Yeah, it seems pretty simple to me as well.

For some reason I’m thinking that selecting the multiple titles last time caused all of the titles to rip as one single file, as opposed to the multiple files I want with one for each episode.

I’ll give it a try after this current rip is done, but I’m not holding my breath. Of course, it isn’t as big of a deal now that I’m not using XVid and it won’t take 2 hours an episode.

On Wed, 20 Aug 2008 04:46:02 GMT
Lysdestic <Lysdestic@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org> wrote:

> This seems easy enough.
> I have a DVD of a television show that I recently purchased that I want
> to back up as .avi files on my computer. At first I had some issues with
> Xvid encoding taking several hours for a 30min file, so I switched to
> MPEG-4 (DivX 4/5) and it takes about twenty minutes - problem solved.

> As it stands now, I am having to rip each title (episode) one at a
> time. Is there a way to rip them all at once and have each title
> (episode) save as separate files in one batch job?
> Thanks in advance.

I saw the other responses, figured I’d chime in with my own. Long ago I
wrote a little script to do this for me automagically…

It uses mplayer/mencoder (install it from packman), and two other tiny (very
useful!) scripts, range and ttshow. Give it the source and a name for the

ripdvd /dev/sr3 “BluesClues”

will rip the DVD in /dev/sr3, naming each title “BluesClues_1.avi” and so on.

ripdvd DVDIMAGE.iso “Sex.in.the.City”

does the same, but from an image.



if “x$2” = “x” ]; then
echo “Need dvd-device and filename”
exit 1;
titles=mplayer -dvd-device "$1" dvd://1 -vo null -ao null -frames 0 -identify 2>/dev/null | grep "^ID_DVD_TITLES" | sed "s/ID_DVD_TITLES=//"
echo “Number of Titles: $titles”
$TTSHOW “$titles titles”
sleep 5
width=expr length "$titles"

Rips DVD to avi file

for a in $RANGE "$titles" 1 1 $width ; do
echo “--------”
echo “Chapter $a”
echo “--------”
$TTSHOW “($a) $2”
#mencoder -quiet -dvd-device “$1” dvd://$a -alang en -vf scale -zoom -xy
720 -ni -o “$2_$a.avi” -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4 mencoder
-dvd-device “$1” dvd://$a -slang en -alang en -vf scale -zoom -xy 720 -ni -o
“$2_$a.avi” -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4 done #

and then ttshow, this sends whatever follows the command to the title-bar of
the current terminal. VERY handy

ttshow hello

echo -ne “\x1b]0;$*\x07”

and range… this takes a few arguments and outputs a sequence of numbers
based on that. Yes, I know about ‘seq’, wrote this years ago, it’s too handy
to throw out.

range 1 10 2


1 3 5 7 9


use strict;
use warnings;

if ($#ARGV<0)
{ print "[lo] hi [skip] [width]
print "If not given: lo=1,skip=1,width=auto
exit 1;
my ($lo,$hi,$skip,$width,$out);


if (0==$#ARGV)
{ $hi=$ARGV[0]+0;
elsif ($#ARGV>0)
{ $lo=$ARGV[0]+0;
$skip=($ARGV[2]+0) if ($#ARGV>1);
$skip=1 if (0==$skip);
$skip=-$skip if (($lo>$hi)&&($skip>0));
$skip=-$skip if (($hi>$lo)&&($skip<0));
$width=($ARGV[3]+0) if ($#ARGV>2);
$width=0 if ($width<1);

while ((($lo<=$hi)&&($skip>0))||(($lo>=$hi)&&($skip<0)))
{ $out=$lo;
if ($width>0)
{ $out=substr(substr(“0"x$width,0,$width-1).(abs($lo)),-$width);
$out=”-".$out if ($lo<0);
print "$out

Each needs to be saved as a separate text file, made executable, then placed
in your path somewhere. I usually put all three in /usr/local/bin/

Works VERY well, completely automated, updates title-bar to show status and

I made the ripper run backwards towards title 1 since that gives me a better
idea of how long it’s got left, and while it’s chewing on the (usually) large
title 1 (the main movie), I can watch all the little ‘behind the scenes’ and
blooper reels.


And yes, I like Blue’s Clues… well, up until Steve had to go and Joe took
his place. Joe’s a putz. And baby Paprika is SOOO cute!

L R Nix

On Wed, 20 Aug 2008 05:55:25 GMT
L R Nix <lornix@lornix.com> wrote:

And of course, the forum line wrap mangled it… {Sigh}



if “x$2” = “x” ]; then
echo “Need dvd-device and filename”
exit 1;

all one line, from here

titles=mplayer -dvd-device "$1" dvd://1 -vo null -ao null -frames 0 -identify 2>/dev/null | grep "^ID_DVD_TITLES" | sed "s/ID_DVD_TITLES=//"

to here

echo “Number of Titles: $titles”
$TTSHOW “$titles titles”
sleep 5
width=expr length "$titles"

Rips DVD to avi file

for a in $RANGE "$titles" 1 1 $width ; do
echo “--------”
echo “Chapter $a”
echo “--------”
$TTSHOW “($a) $2”

#all one line, from here

#mencoder -quiet -dvd-device “$1” dvd://$a -alang en -vf scale -zoom -xy
720 -ni -o “$2_$a.avi” -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4

to here

#all one line, from here

mencoder -dvd-device “$1” dvd://$a -slang en -alang en -vf scale -zoom -xy
720 -ni -o “$2_$a.avi” -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4

to here



My apologies.


L R Nix

Thanks for that, I’ll give that a try if all else fails, but the DVD’s in question has around 25 titles, whereas I’m only wanting 8 of them (the actual episodes), all of the other titles are miscellaneous things I don’t need.

I don’t so much mind having to rip them one by one every twenty minutes with K9, it would just be better to tell the computer to rip the 8 of my choosing whilst I go off and occupy myself with something else.

On Wed, 20 Aug 2008 06:46:03 GMT
Lysdestic <Lysdestic@no-mx.forums.opensuse.org> wrote:

> Thanks for that, I’ll give that a try if all else fails, but the DVD’s
> in question has around 25 titles, whereas I’m only wanting 8 of them
> (the actual episodes), all of the other titles are miscellaneous things
> I don’t need.
> I don’t so much mind having to rip them one by one every twenty minutes
> with K9, it would just be better to tell the computer to rip the 8 of my
> choosing whilst I go off and occupy myself with something else.

Well, the ripdvd script usually rips full DVD’s in less than 30 minutes tops,
even for dual-layer 9gig ones. Totally automated, start it and go do
something else. I just look for the large files after it’s done, delete the

I have a version of it I’ve tweaked to allow me to put track numbers on the
command line too, in case I wanted to pull individual tracks or multi. But
again, I usually don’t bother, just start ripdvd and shift to another task.
I’ve had 4 instances running at once, all ripping titles from DVD’s, two
DVD’s, two iso images. Doesn’t seem to bog the system down much. Of course,
it’s not polished nor does it have a GUI front-end. {Chuckle}


L R Nix

It’s certainly not using the command line that bugs me; I have used Linux long enough to where that doesn’t bother me at all. I don’t want to seem ungrateful for you posting your script, and I hope it didn’t come out that way – that wasn’t my intention.

It’s just an issue where with the current way, I can see the titles that I’m looking for, rip them and transcode them individually, as opposed to having to sort through 20+ files ripped with a script in a directory and delete the unnecessary ones.

Personally I don’t mind grabbing each title one by one and waiting twenty minutes for it rip and transcode, and then starting the next title. I’m just looking to see if I can set it to rip a certain selection of titles, and encode them each as separate files. It’s no biggie if it can’t, it would just be slightly more convenient.

It depends on the DVD. If there is one “title” on the disk per episode k9copy will put each title in a separate folder. Some DVDs (I think mi5 was like this) Don’t have a separate title for each ep, but handle them as chapters within a title. I think k3b will handle this correctly, but you don’t get all the options/quality of k9copy.


Not k9copy. I was thinking of dvd::rip (search dvdrip in packman, I think)

Rips each title to a separate folder, and then can crop/scale/encode them.