K9Copy problems

Hi All.
I am trying to use K9copy to back up my DVDs in OpenSuSE 12.1 with Gnome 3.x.x. The program does its thing but a 99% stops and report errors. At this point I just close the program which leaves an empty ISO file under /home, and a directory with a bunch of VOB files under /tmp/kde-user/k9copy.

I tried to install kdebase4-runtime but yast reported that the latest version was already installed. I did back up my DVD using my other computer which is using different distro and it worked really well. I compared the settings in both K9copy and they are the same settings.

I will appreciate all advices. Thank you.

But are the versions of k9copy and kdebase4-runtime the same? If the other distro has a newer version, it may be a bug that has been fixed; if older, it may be a regression. That’s the first thing I’d look at.

I guess I can try to re install K9copy with the hope that by doing that it will re install all its dependencies and libraries required for the proper work.