Hello again forum!
I’m just getting a fresh 11.0 install completed after a WinModem problem. My desktop is KDE 3.5.9.
Tonight I tried to clone my distro DVD. The frustrating experince that followed must have been an operator error on my part, or k3b does’t like my DVD drive.
The same drive installed 11.0 without problems, so it does at least work as a reader. It’s a Samsung RW SM348b.
Insertion of the OS disk brings up a k3b menu with a choice of copy DVD. Selection that option brings up the DVD copy menu. The DVD copy menu freezes most of the main k3b menu. The DVD copy menu is inactive except for a speed setting and the cancel button.
If I cancel, the mail menu is active. I can go to device and mount the drive if it isn’t mounted. When it’s mounted, the hardware is recognized, but now way to copy the DVD except for the dreaded copy DVD button.
I’ve successfully used k3b with CDs before, but not with this DVD drive. K3b doesn’t seem to have as many options.
Is this behavior the result of an operator error? FrankK11
Is this the Packman version of K3b ? If not, i suggest you use the Packman version. Just add the repo for Packman & use YaST to install it. Or, you could use K9copy,also from Packman’s repo
To copy a DVD I think that it should not be mounted. What happens if you insert the DVD, dismiss the menu that pops up then open k3b yourself and choose copy DVD from there?
Thanks for the responses guys!
deltaflyer44, the kb3 app came from the distro CD. I did install the mp3 libraries for it from packman, but I don’t think it update kb3.
How would I know if kb3 itself got updated with the mp3 add-ons?
The install was a Christmas present, so it will be a while now before I can make any changes to it. This morning the computer left!
rjwilmsi, the picture in my head is that Linux always requires media to be mounted in order to access it.
I believe I did try opening kb3 after dismissing the initial menu, but with the same results.
Additionally I tried invoking kb3 from the command line. My invocation used the --source or --copy option.
There was profusion of output that overflowed the terminal buffer. The bottom of the buffer was filled with statements regarding speed.
I remember when I started the install, I did a media check and got some warnings about the DVD. Now I don’t remember them, but it should be possible to do that media check again. I chose to ignore the warnings and the install went OK.
Personally, I think the DVD HW may have a write problem. I have another drive to swap, but can’t conplete this until I get time on the gift computer!
One other thing! The DVD copy of the distro disk from OS disks I made with XP and Nero doesn’t boot.
My past distro media has been CDs and the boot CD when cloned will boot. I’m expecting the same is true of DVDs if the copy is a clone.
Am I correct in the assumption that a copy of a distro DVD will boot if the original did?
Thank for your responses! FrankK11
You can check which version of K3b you have using the version tab in YaST - software management. Also, if you try to do a media check & it fails,it’s best to either re-download & burn again,or if you have a good download, just burn the disc again.