Just Survived a Serious Medical Situation

So, if you are wondering why you have not seen my bewildering answers around the forum lately, it is because I had an intestinal blockage occur last Friday 5-14-2010. I went into the hospital on Saturday 5-15-2010, had a five hour operation on Sunday 5-16-2010 and just made it back home today, Thursday 5-20-2010. I am told that from start to a successful end of this ordeal will take 20 weeks, counting last week. I am told that I have had a very good start. It is not my intent on dwelling further with the medical details, but I am again back in front a computer and will continue doing my best to help others. I am sorry about any lack of response over the last week.

Thank You,

Glad you’re up and about again. Take care and to your health.

PS: Try not to go near OSes that raise your blood pressure. :wink:


All the very best to you for a speedy recovery. Sounds an unpleasant experience.

Thanks caf4926 & ken_yap for your kind words. I am up at a very early hour here in Austin, in between pain pills. I live between male and female nurses at two competing hospitals I did not go to. I was told I was beyond lucky in two categories. One was my wait time before calling an ambulance, or about 11 hours of agony, assigned to male ignorance by my female nurse friend. The second was the laboratory findings that even after so many years of lack of doing anything, no major issues, such as caner, was found which was very lucky according to my male nurse friend and not the normal outcome. The last few days were very unpleasant, with a few more and a lot of time left to go, before the end can be reached.

On Friday, besides making some appointments to see doctors, I must decide on submitting for a leave of absence from work, a process that starts a clock ticking until I can get temporary disability benefits. It would seem that all vacation and sick pay must be used then a period without pay before the disability payments kick in. All when you need every nickle for the doctors and services that seem to come out of the Window. At least there is a known process to follow and it begins on Friday.

Thank You,

Glad to read you have some positive news in terms of what could have been worse.

Please take it easy and gentle on your road to recovery, and I am also glad to read you are still able and willing to participate on our forum.

jdmcdaniel3 wrote:
> here in Austin

ah, one of the world’s greatest cities (if you love either music or
good TexMex)…

kick back a little and take it easy…

pain? go sit on the capitol steps and have a herbal…i can hook you
up, from here (used to live in the Hyde Park area)…

best to ya’

DenverD (Linux Counter 282315)
CAVEAT: http://is.gd/bpoMD
posted via NNTP w/TBird | KDE 3.5.7 | openSUSE 10.3 SMP i686
AMD Athlon 1 GB RAM | GeForce FX 5500 | ASRock K8Upgrade-760GX |
CMedia 9761 AC’97 Audio

Best wishes for a full recovery, and give yourself the best possible chance for that. Maybe ignore any stressful postings (not yours of course). :slight_smile:

oldcpu, DenverD & consused, thanks so much for your words of encouragement. The situation could have been worse and I could have lived in a worse city, but I was lucky on both points.

To show just how things are going, this morning I fixed my self a large cup of Starbucks coffee (made from whole beans you grind yourself) just the way I like it and it practically knocked me out, taking me more than an hour to recover from. I sat on the couch almost unable to move from all of the sensations running through my body. It felt more like terror than pleasure. It was the weirdest thing I have ever experienced as a lover of simple pleasures like coffee. It would seem that coffee will last longer than I thought.

Humm, and life continues on…

Thank You,

Well, the time has finally come for round two. I will be going into the hospital on Tuesday for another operation which is said to be as serious as the last, though planed this time. I ask that you look out for any forum threads I may have left uncompleted and help out.

I also solicit your prayers and well wishes for me and my family during this next trying time for us. With any luck and your assistance in thoughts and prayers, I shall be back at in a week or so. I believe in God and the power of the openSUSE community so I know all be OK.

Thank You,

All the best jdmcdaniel3! Hope to hear from you in due course.

All the best for you and your family James, take it easy.

I’m sure you have good people taking care of you, jd. Everyone will be thinking about you.

Rest assured our prayers are with you. All the very best !!

We await your safe return, so best wishes for that and your full recovery.


Wishing you a quick return to good health and the forums. We feel with you and your dear ones.


We’re thinking of you and for you, good luck.

Get well (and get back) soon!

I hope you come out OK on the other end !! Good luck !!

Ouch, intestinal blockage and 5 hour surgery.
Glad to read you’re back at home resting and in good spirit.


Wish you a speedy recovery mate!