Hi geekos!!
November screenshot contest it’s here again !!
Show your best and shiny, glossy, glassy, bright, polished screensohts desktops!
Maybe you have updated to Leap? well show this!
Show your best Tumbleweed with a great icons theme, or a really cool wallpaper.
Show your best conky with openbox!
and you will have the chance to win a buch of geek stickers!! rotfl!
(you can also show your desktop out of the contest)
all your great images are welcome!! Go ahead!
Opensuse Leap 42.1
Gnome shell 3.16
Conky 1.10
Gis-weather 0.7.9
Gnome Tweak settings:
GTK+ theme: Numix
Icons: Numix Circle
Cursor: Adwaita
Shell theme: Novashell
Conky code inside the .Conkyrc file:
background false
font Caliban:size=8
xftfont Caliban:size=8
use_xft true
xftalpha 0.5
update_interval 1.0
total_run_times 0
own_window true
own_window_type normal
own_window_transparent true
own_window_class normal
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
double_buffer true
draw_shades true
draw_outline false
draw_borders false
draw_graph_borders false
minimum_size 350
maximum_width 350
default_color ffffff
default_shade_color 000000
draw_outline false
alignment top_left
gap_x 10
gap_y 36
no_buffers true
cpu_avg_samples 1
override_utf8_locale false
uppercase false
use_spacer false
${image ~/.conky/icons/logo.png -p 18,0 -s 45x45}${goto 74}${font Poky:pixelsize=20}r${font} ${voffset -16} Kernel: $kernel $machine
${goto 99}Uptime: $uptime_short
${goto 99}${execi 60 lsb_release -d}
${goto 99}Users logon: $user_number
${voffset -6}${goto 70}${font Poky:pixelsize=22}T${font}${color 98FB98}${voffset -8} ${battery_bar 6,150 BAT0}${color} ${battery BAT0}
${voffset -8}
${goto 33}${font :style=Bold:pixelsize=12}CPU${voffset -8} ${font Poky:pixelsize=22}P${font} ${voffset -5}${freq_g 1} GHz ${alignc}${voffset -15} ${cpugraph CPU 20,80 FFF6CD FF0B00 -t}
${voffset -20}${goto 246}${font :style=Bold:pixelsize=14}${cpu CPU}%${font}
${voffset -8}${goto 34}${font :style=Bold:pixelsize=12}MEM${font}${voffset -19} ${font Poky:pixelsize=32}a${font} ${voffset -22} RAM: $mem v $memmax
${alignr 50}${color A0CCFF} ${membar 4,180}${color}
${goto 120} Swap: $swap v $swapmax
${goto 120} Load: ${color C7FF8E}$loadavg${color}
${goto 120} Processes: ${color C7FF8E}$processes${color}
${goto 120} Running: $running_processes ${color}
${voffset -8}${goto 33}${font :style=Bold:pixelsize=12}NET${font}${voffset -19} ${font Poky:pixelsize=32}w${font}
${if_existing /sys/class/net/eth0/operstate up} ${font Poky:pixelsize=22}i${font}${voffset -4} Download: ${downspeed eth0}
${goto 148}${voffset -6}${downspeedgraph eth0 25,150 D9FFDF A5FEB3}
${goto 148}${voffset -4}Upload: ${upspeed eth0}
${goto 148}${voffset -6}${upspeedgraph eth0 25,150 FEC2A5 FA9C6F}
${goto 118}${font Poky:pixelsize=22}e${font}
${goto 148}${voffset -26}Total: down:${totaldown eth0}
${goto 189}up:${totalup eth0}
${if_existing /sys/class/net/wlp10s0/operstate up} ${font Poky:pixelsize=22}i${font}${voffset -40} Download: ${downspeed wlp10s0}
${goto 148}${voffset -6}${downspeedgraph wlp10s0 25,150 D9FFDF A5FEB3}
${goto 148}${voffset -4}Upload: ${upspeed wlp10s0}
${goto 148}${voffset -6}${upspeedgraph wlp10s0 25,150 FEC2A5 FA9C6F}
${goto 118}${font Poky:pixelsize=22}e${font}
${goto 148}${voffset -26}Total: down:${totaldown wlp10s0}
${goto 189}up:${totalup wlp10s0}
${goto 30}${font Poky:pixelsize=52}y${font}
${voffset -40}${alignc}Root: ${fs_free /} / ${fs_size /}
${alignc}${color 83A1FF}${fs_bar 4,150 /}${color}
${alignc}Home: ${fs_free /home} / ${fs_size /home}
${alignc}${color 83A1FF}${fs_bar 4,150 /home}${color}
${voffset -8}${goto 33}Top memory usage
${goto 50} Name ${goto 200}PID ${goto 250}% Memory usage
${goto 50}${top_mem name 1} ${goto 200}${top_mem pid 1} ${goto 250}${top_mem mem 1}
${goto 50}${top_mem name 2} ${goto 200}${top_mem pid 2} ${goto 250}${top_mem mem 2}
${goto 50}${top_mem name 3} ${goto 200}${top_mem pid 3} ${goto 250}${top_mem mem 3}
${goto 50}${top_mem name 4} ${goto 200}${top_mem pid 4} ${goto 250}${top_mem mem 4}
${goto 50}${top_mem name 5} ${goto 200}${top_mem pid 5} ${goto 250}${top_mem mem 5}
${voffset -8}${goto 33}Top CPU usage
${goto 50} Name ${goto 200}PID ${goto 250}% CPU usage
${goto 50}${top name 1} ${goto 200}${top pid 1} ${goto 250}${top cpu 1}
${goto 50}${top name 2} ${goto 200}${top pid 2} ${goto 250}${top cpu 2}
${goto 50}${top name 3} ${goto 200}${top pid 3} ${goto 250}${top cpu 3}
${goto 50}${top name 4} ${goto 200}${top pid 4} ${goto 250}${top cpu 4}
${goto 50}${top name 5} ${goto 200}${top pid 5} ${goto 250}${top cpu 5}
My first screenshot od openSUSE Tumbleweed!
Icon theme: El General
KDE theme: Breeze
EDIT:How can add the screenshot to this reply, without post the url? I clik on add image, insert the url, but it doesn’t appear!
If you can’t see it, here is the url: [http://imgur.com/nCBB1ea
[IMG]http://imgur.com/nCBB1ea ](http://imgur.com/nCBB1ea )
November 15, 2015, 11:32pm
openSUSE Leap 42.1
GNOME Shell 3.16
GTK+ Theme: Xenlism-minimalism
Shell Theme: Xenlism-minimalism
Cursor: DMZ White
Icon theme: Super Flat Remix
(https://www.flickr.com/photos/130667115@N07/ ), on Flickrhttps://farm6.staticflickr.com/5727/23073534362_ae81052974_h.jpg
Well OpenSUSE’s new infrastructure sounded quite interesting so i’ve jumped back into the OpenSUSE camp. The last version i used was 13.1 which i stopped using due to multimedia frustrations that i couldn’t figure out.
Although i suspect Leap’s structure to be just a preemptive decision to prevent a Devuan like fork, the idea of a stable base is very appealing to me.
Upon installing, i fiddled around with Plasma 5 for the first time and decided that i didn’t like it. I did a reinstall and after a lot of tinkering i finally have everything the way i like it. Here’s my new desktop.
OpensSUSE Leap 42.1 - KDE 4.14
Good options all this stuff!!
But you must vote for the best in your opinion:
Just follow this link:
you are in time until 30th!
Time to vote has over, and here is the votes…
And the winner is… cjmannino!!
Congrats to all!!
Please send me a PM here and send your name, address, zip code, country, telephone number and email, and I will send that to SUSE that will send to you your geek reward!!
've phun!!