I have only just finished installing openSUSE Leap 15.1 and was really surprised how easy it was.
The only part of the installation i was wary of was Network Settings. So i skipped that part and
continued with the rest of the install. When the installation was finished i rebooted the machine
and all i had to do was select my ISP enter my password and i was online! Hooray lol.
First thing i did was to open a terminal and type
$ sudo zypper refresh && sudo zypper update
It took awhile but now everything is up to date i hope
Still have loads to learn but this old guy is here to stay!
I only began with openSUSE Leap 15.1 yesterday when i installed and got the OS online.
So, it will be evident to forums members just how much an openSUSE noob i really am.
There is so much more for me to learn such as YaST, and zypper etc.
I would like to install the VLC Media Player although i would have to also install the packman repositories in order to do so?
I haven’t as yet installed multimedia codecs and whatever else i would need to listen to my music cd’s/dvd’s or even to
watch dvd films. So if there’s anyone out there who’s willing to point me towards tutorials that cover the above mentioned
i would really appreciated it.
For multimedia it is simple. Just head for the Multi-media sub-forum here in the forums and read the top sticky that applies to your version of openSUSE. Tha should be clear enoigh. When not, ask ther by starting a thread in that sub-forum.