just got the internet and need to install things...


Like I said, I have just got the internet. However, I don’t know what security things to put on and also how to download java or adobe flash player. I have tried downloading them and it says it will work next time I’m on firefox but when I reboot or anything it still says the plugins are missing. WHAT DO I DO?!?!?!

I’m running on Opensuse 11.0 32bit and I cant seem to find the right help… help?

  • little Lee,

check the manuals:

Check the general section and “openSUSE package management” for now. Ignore the Zen stuff, that’s no longer a problem in 11.0.


The very first thing I do after a new install, after getting my Internet connection running, is to setup my Software Package Manager (SPM) repositories (repos) so that I can easily install software. A repository is a file server on the internet where various Linux (in our case openSUSE) applications are located.

I recommend you setup your SPM with 4 and only 4 repositories. I recommend OSS, Non-OSS, Update and Packman. Just those 4. No others. None. There is guidance for how to do that here: Repositories/11.0 - openSUSE-Community again, only select OSS, Non-OSS, Update and Packman. You can add others on some other occasion, when you understand exactly what you are doing, and what the risks can be of having repos that are not compatible with each other.

Once your repositories are setup, then go to YaST > Software > Software Management and select flash-player, java, and what ever else applications you might want.

For my multimedia, I typically go and mark “xine-lib” for removal, but before I apply that removal, I also mark libxine1 from Packman for installation. Then I apply both. I also install smplayer, mplayerplug-in, xine-lib, and the Packman packaged vlc, kaffeine, amarok, amarok-xine and mad. You can surf to see what multimedia is available from Packman by going here: PackMan :: home Note the search tab on that site links to a great search engine for looking for various applications with different functionality.

Also, once you have your 4 repos setup, like I recommended, there is no need to use the 1-click-install. You have more control by using YaST.