Just a small leap question

Last night I took the time to download Leap. But, between last night and this morning I have done some pondering on the subject.
Based on everyday reading I am reaching the conclusion that Leap is still in the test stage. Am I correct in my assumption.

The final release has been officially published on November, 4th.

That doesn’t mean that it can’t have bugs though, and not all of them might have been found/reported yet either. But bugfix and security updates will continuously be released like with any other openSUSE version before.

When the bug chatter slows down to a crawl then maybe i will install.


LEAP isn’t in test phase. The only area I have come across where there are minor problems is Plasma 5. If you are using GNOME or any other desktop you will avoid those and, even if you are using KDE, these don’t hamper the overwhelming majority of things you might want to do.