I have a Saitek yoke and CH Rudder pedals which essentially are USB joysticks. When they are plugged into usb ports, they interfere with the operation of the mouse. For example, when the joysticks are plugged in, drag and drop doesn’t work in kde applications such as Dolphin. At the same time, in a game, such as X-plane, moving the joysticks will cause the mouse indicator to vibrate and jump around. The effect is particularly pronounced for the rudder pedals which, themselves required a special udev rule to operate properly in X-plane in that it seems to be initially detected as an accelerometer rather than a joystick. Just for reference, here is that rule
SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{idVendor}=="068e", ATTRS{idProduct}=="00f2", ENV{ID_INPUT_ACCELEROMETER}="0"
SUBSYSTEM=="input", ATTRS{idVendor}=="068e", ATTRS{idProduct}=="00f2", ENV{ID_INPUT}="1", ENV{ID_INPUT_JOYSTICK}="1"
Is there a solution?