Leap-42.3 on Gnome Desktop.
Trying to run a java file gave the following error. I am completely clueless about JAVA.
Would welcome guidance to overcome this issue. I have the OpenJDK 8 runtime environment installed along with other related components.
A search on the web has not revealed any software for Leap 42.3. Although ‘one-instal’ suse software for Leap-15 is available.
rsp> ./ITR.sh
Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application
You might want want to use the latest and greatest java: JDK 12 plus: https://openjfx.io/ You need to specify --module-path <your module dir> --add-modules <module1,module2…> see: - jAlbum forums
JavaFX is part of the Oracle Java JDK.
The openJDK equivalent of the JDK is the “devel” package, ie openjdk-devel.
Not that long ago, there was a thread that claimed that JavaFX was missing from that package, too but is highly doubtful.
Install and if you find it missing or have issues, post again.
erlangen:~ # zypper se --installed-only java-12
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
S | Name | Summary | Type
i+ | java-12-openjdk | OpenJDK 12 Runtime Environment | package
i+ | java-12-openjdk-devel | OpenJDK 12 Development Environment | package
i | java-12-openjdk-headless | OpenJDK 12 Runtime Environment | package
i+ | java-12-openjdk-javadoc | OpenJDK 12 API Documentation | package
erlangen:~ #
There is no javafx in any of these packages which is annoying. I reported, but there is no action. I doubt there will be any action in the near future: 1135525 – java-12-openjdk lacks javafx
Thanks a lot for your quick reply. I got the desired package from the URL you sent. It has worked. Upgrading to Leap-15 is due but I am avoiding it because of the hastle of resetting my desktop.