Java OpenJDK update breaks alternatives


I am having a problem with the latest OpenJDK update

Before the OpenJDK update alternatives for java was set to `manual’ and was pointing to SUN java. After the update update-alternatives returns with the following error.

update-alternatives --display java

update-alternatives: internal error: /var/lib/rpm/alternatives/java corrupt: priority /usr/lib64/jvm/jre-1.6.0-sun /usr/share/man/man1/policytool-java-1_6_0-sun.1.gz

Will try to fix the database at /var/lib/rpm/alternatives by hand, yet will appreciate any help.

Thank you,

If you are using Sun Java you do not need OpenJDK at all.

Except that many bugs get fixed in OpenJdk without the fix being backported to Sun Java.