I just upgraded to ff3.5 and am having trouble with java. I cannot access the live timings on the _f1.com site which requires java. The site used to work before the upgrade. I just get a blank grey page and while it’s trying to load the page it locks out the rest of ff for about 45s so I cannot do anything else in ff. Also, once I get control back, if I then close ff the process actually stays open I am am forced to kill it.
I tried reinstalling java with YAST and re-creating the symlink to the plugin module and when I check on the sun java verification page it comes back with Success java version 6 update 14 is installed so it seems that java is working.
Does anybody here use the F1 live timings and if so have they tried with ff3.5 yet? I want to check if it’s my system or the site that is a problem. Also, can someone please post (or pm me) a few links to some sites that use java heavily so I can test my system.