Java not working well with Firefox 3.5

I just upgraded to ff3.5 and am having trouble with java. I cannot access the live timings on the site which requires java. The site used to work before the upgrade. I just get a blank grey page and while it’s trying to load the page it locks out the rest of ff for about 45s so I cannot do anything else in ff. Also, once I get control back, if I then close ff the process actually stays open I am am forced to kill it.

I tried reinstalling java with YAST and re-creating the symlink to the plugin module and when I check on the sun java verification page it comes back with Success java version 6 update 14 is installed so it seems that java is working.

Does anybody here use the F1 live timings and if so have they tried with ff3.5 yet? I want to check if it’s my system or the site that is a problem. Also, can someone please post (or pm me) a few links to some sites that use java heavily so I can test my system.

suse tpx60s wrote:

> I just upgraded to ff3.5 and am having trouble with java. I cannot
> access the live timings on the site which requires java.

Is it an app with black background sponsored by LG?

If yes, it works fine here. Running opensuse 10.3, ff 3.5, java jre 1.5

Check that your java is being detected by going to Java test page:



I can confirm that live timings in works with FF3.5 & 1.6.0.u14-0.2.1 on KDE 4.3


Thanks. It seems I have a problem with that site then. I’ll clear the cache and cookies for the site and try again tomorrow when the timing is live again.

Just an update. It seems to be working now. I just cleared the cookies for that site and the cache.