Java crashes

SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 sp 2 64-bit edition
ColdFusion 8 Enterprise Server 64-bit
Java: java_1_5_0-ibm version 1.5.0_sr7-0.2_x86_64

run the command “javac” (with or without source code file)
error message “Failed to find VM - aborting”

I know java is installed, and working, because
ColdFusion requires java.

any ideas as to where to look or why I get the message?


Have you installed the development package?
What is the output of:

rpm -qa | grep java


Become root and type in terminal:

update-alternatives --config java

What do you see?

For command: rpm -qa | grep java

For command: update-alternatives --config java
There is only 1 program which provides java (/usr/lib64/jvm/jre-1.5.0-ibm/bin/java). Nothing to configure.

Why do you use IBM version of Java. I had problems with their earlier versions. However, I am not sure about 1.5 version.

ColdFusion 64Bit required Java, Java-IBM was on the install disk.

Therefore, that is what I installed.
ColdFusion running. :slight_smile:
(long story)