January 2009 Screenshot Thread

Mine for January -for now- still want to do the Google-Earth snapshots as wallpaper though !


Here is the spacedome for lots of rotation, earth, sun, moon & deimos :wink:

Here is mine:


Xfce 4.4.3 on board.

Thanks for sharing skydome image :slight_smile:

Nice wall! :wink:

Where can i get it?

It should be here or here, probably second url, but I don’t remember which page… :frowning:

safari browser running with wine on opensuse 11.2 gnome

This picture is simply awesome!

Thanks a lot. :slight_smile:

No prob, got it here :slight_smile: Thanks much :slight_smile:

All credits to the wallpaper creator :slight_smile:

my new quad-core screenshot

my new quad-core


my new quad-core’s screenshot

my new quad-core desktop, art is photoshop {sorry I can not use gimp to make art like this}
I tried to copy URL from Picasa but didn’t work? Anyone know how to post URL from Picasa?

Find the image in your Picasa album, right click to it, and select View image. Now copy the link. Maybe exists an official way for doing this.
Good luck.

New user and loving openSUSE 11.1 (Gnome). Everything is working great.

My current desktop. Nothing special… :slight_smile:



lol, thanks geoffro for fixing up my last post. I was having problems figuring out how to do the nice “thumbnail with link” thing when my laptop auto shutdown because the battery was low!

My very simple OpenSUSE 11.1 desktop:


Holy gecko! I didn’t mean to make that image so big.

Here is my desktop

(I can’t get rid of the blue panels with kwin disabled)

I found a thing in “Configure Desktop” or “Personal Settings” where you can change individual parts of the KDE4 theme.

Goto: Advanced -> Desktop Theme Details

You can change the panel background in there.

This is under 4.2 though, not sure if it is there in earlier versions.