January 2009 Screenshot Thread

Hi, happy 2009 everyone!

Post your screenshots of your desktop here. Does not matter how simple, complex, spartan or obscure… Let’s show 2009 what you can do! :slight_smile:

I did mine a few hours early here it is on Opensuse 11.1 Kde4.

Opensuse 11.1
KDE 4.2 beta 2
bespin window decoration
happy new year everybody

http://thumbnails8.imagebam.com/2238/ad960f22379946.gif](http://www.imagebam.com/image/ad960f22379946/) http://thumbnails11.imagebam.com/2238/88650922379947.gif](http://www.imagebam.com/image/88650922379947/) http://thumbnails13.imagebam.com/2238/d6ca0a22379948.gif](http://www.imagebam.com/image/d6ca0a22379948/)

Here’s mine for the new year :slight_smile:


Wallpaper used

Here’s mine KDE 4.2 release 5.1



my kde-4.1.3 desktop suse-11.1
webshot picture


i dont see the uploaded picture here as others(:
hows it done?
some help please

Happy New Year everyone
First screeny of 2009
Hope Susers work statation is neat unlike what is shown in that image.
New years res. is to tidy up all those messlol!

Imageshack gives you the thumbnail code to post in the forum. I’m not sure how other hosts do it:


This is the source for one of my screenshots posted above.

Use so called BBcodes.

For your full size image put:


To resize your image, say, 150x130:


But unfortunately this forum doesn’t support image resize.

Complete BBcodes list for this forum: openSUSE Forums - BB Code List

To get thumbnail images, either,

  1. Upload your images on imageshack.us or photobucket.com. etc and get thumbnail codes.


  1. Resize your image with an image editing software like GIMP, Krita etc, upload it as, lets say, jan09_thumbnai.pngl and put the following code:

When you click on the thumbnail it’ll take you to the original image.

Hope this helps.

Here’s mine for January, 2009—Happy New Year everyone :smiley:


Mine kde4.2 beta2


OpenSuse 11.1/KDE4.1, Glassified desktop theme, Crystal window decoration, Tango icon theme.

Hey, ain’t bad for a noob. :slight_smile:

Happy New Year!

I can see two reasons for such a mess in that picture, the first being the empty bottle of Dutch beer, the second being the box near the ironing board with a multi-coloured flag logo on it rotfl!.

Ha ha ha, you’re the only one who got the message.lol!

Awesome wallpaper! Where have you got it from?

edit: sorry, I’ve overseen the link at the bottom.

seems like i’m the only one using gnome :wink:


Here’s mine for Jan’. Little lizard is all grown up. I think openSUSE needs to project a more aggressive image.


It is ???


Here is mine for Jan. Still using KDE 4.1.3.