I don’t know why I persist in abusing myself by testing out the 'latest and greatest" version of The Slug, a.k.a. KDE4. Sure, it’s not quite as rough, unfinished, unpolished, totally aggravating and mind-numbing as KDE 4.0, but that is not saying very much in it’s favour. Yet I keep getting seduced by falsehoods, you know, the whispers of, “It’s really great now, try it out and you will be surprised!”. Yeah, sure.
We all know why KDE4 came about … Windows Visa look and feel … and, of course, the obligatory noises about how KDE3 was broken, unmaintainable, etc. Having spent a career in IT management, I’m more than familiar with these excuses for a total rewrite, “to provide a better foundation for the future”, bladda-bladda. Fine and well, but one approach might have been to provide all the functionality, stability and goodness of KDE3 first, before moving on to put the latest and greatest self-admiring Bling **** into KDE4. Moreover, lying about the stability, functionality and timing of equivalency of KDE4.0/01 with KDE3.5 wasn’t an especially thoughtful move either. Still isn’t.
Nonetheless, I did a totally clean install of 11.3 RC2 KDE4.4.4 onto my hard drive. No pre-existing home used, etc, totally stock install. Only one “pro” to mention … Okular is kind of neat as a front-end to everything else, but it could have been implemented in KDE3.5 just as easily/well, But the “cons” include:
Probably a Suse thing, but the Kicker Slab is a total waste of of time, versus the Classic Menu setup. Much like the Vista/7 “slab” approach, but at least Microsoft’s doesn’t take up much of your day searching for common applications!
The Personal Settings thingy is, no doubt, rich with 2,496,312,882 settings, but do you think that after all this time we could have a clock that have a user-settable font size, rather than what the KDE developers think looks good (it doesn’t) with off-native display resolutions? KDE 3.5 could be adjusted.
Do we really need 3 or 4 “branding” icons for KDE4 on the desktop. What’s with the stupid peanuts … get rid of them! What happened to right-click functionality, which has the distinct advantage of not getting in your way until you need to do something, unlike the peanuts, big right-hand-side bars on desktop icons, etc. Funny, I can do everything that KDE4 does with icons, in KDE3.5, without the intrusiveness of KDE4’s “massive bling trip”. Even Microsoft is blingless compared to KDE4. And what’s up with KDE4 maximizing a window every time I move it over the top-right peanut or right edge of the screen. Is this a bug, or a default setting that can be changed somewhere amongst the 2,496,312,882 settings?
There probably is a way in Personal Settings to adjust icon text size line so that “Computer” doesn’t show itself as “Compute” in one line, and “r” on the next but, obviously, I must have missed it amongst the 2,496,312,882 settings there … life’s too short, really, folks, to deal with simple things this way. And it looks like ****, strictly bush league.
Resize and Rotate may or may not be a Suse or KDE issue, but isn’t there any way to make a resolution setting persistent between logoffs and reboots? There used to be a neat “use this setting every time KDE starts up” (or similar wording) tickbox in RandR, but not now, because “it’s better/improved”. I really like setting this over and over each time I go into KDE4! Builds character.
Of course, having a lesser number of resolutions available, compared to KDE3.5 is a joy too, so I end up with either electron-microscope sized text, icons and games, or a display that has to be viewed at 30 feet. Nice move, RandR developers, KDE, X11, or whomever.
The panel settings functionality is poorly designed, period. What’s with “More…” which is useless?
Not content with abusing myself after each login by having to reset screen resolutiuon, spending 25 minutes after every install to turn off all the notifications that have been preset is an absolute joy. Either that, or be “notified” to death. Folks, the objective is to get work done, not to have a rich dialogue with every developer/program in the system.
On a more serious note, and this may be strictly a transitional issue, the X11 configfile changeover and removal of SAX functionality is a major step backwards. Even Windows,Vista/7 has better display functionality WITH A VGA ADAPTER than Suse/KDE/RandR/Xorg has with their “latest and greatest” user non-friendly or non-working ****. Desktop bling and “fuzzy/wobbly” windows that bring a 4770 to its knees, even a 5770? Give me a break, take a step back, and realize what’s happening, KDE developers!
I’ve been with Suse/OpenSuse since v7 or so, and have grown to dislike the MS offerings. But let me tell you, I installed Win7 the other day on another partition on this computer, and it just whizes along, stock, out of the box, twice as many resolutions available compared to this 11.3rc2/KDE4.4.4 slug. With the ATI driver, Win7 flies! Telling, isn’t it, compared to this slug!
The bottom line is this. The KDE interface engineering isn’t oriented to 99% of the users, it’s responding to 1% of the user base that loves Bling, but does no useful work on KDE. They do that on a Windows machine. Compared to KDE3.5, KDE4 remains a regression, and less usable than KDE3.5 in day-in and day-out work. Yes, there’s now some spiffy weather applets, and social applets, but so what … much of that was available in KDE3.5 … oh, I forgot, there’s not enough visual bling to those old KDE3.5 things. Sorry, let me grovel before the gods of Web 2, blingness, and “enriched” (but unusable and useless) functionality.
KDE developers, keep your eyes on the basics. Your considerable talents have accomplished so much in a comparatively short period of time but, FWIW, I’m either staying with 11.1 KDE3.5, going to 11.3 Gnome, or retreating back to Windows … whatever has the lowest pain threshold at the decision point. Because the following truism now colours the competitive OS landscape:
a) Windows Home Premium is $89 in Canada, and it certainly has 95% of what folks need, including video drivers that work out of the box! It will last me probably 8 years, same as Win2000 did for me.
b) There’s now free anti-virus software, CD/DVD burning software, Office Suites (e.g., OO), defraggers, photo suites, e-mail programmes, browsers, you name it, that are every bit as good or better than that available in Linux, and certainly less intrusive and bling-like, than KDE4.
c) So the cost proposition (considering my time and self-inflicted abuse in KDE-land) is equal or better in Windows now. Everything is written/designed for Windows, and it works straight-off, versus (maybe) a 50% level in Linux. Yes, there are virii problems, but that’s mitigated by free anti-virus suites, emerging browser functionality, vendor awareness, and prudent user practices.
So it’s a difficult road, KDE developers. Do you continue to develop for 1% of the Linux user base (Gnome probably has the other 99% because corporations prefer its “simple, just works” functionality to KDE’s Bling approach), GUI-wise? Dead-end, as far as I can see, unless some End-User actual usage requirements are catered to, not the 1% of the target marketplace.
P.S. Dolphin still looks like **** out of the box. Who is KDE Developer Land loves ugly grey slabs of windows programs? Even Nautilus never looked THAT bad.