i was wondering if someone would help me installing itunes I am still new Linux so idk what to use for commands or what to download …
You’ll need to use WINE (a sort of middleman between windows applications and linux) in order to install and use iTunes.
First, you should read this Repository Management - openSUSE Forums
Then once you’ve done the steps there carefully and thoroughly, you’ll need to read this Geoff’s Linux tips - wine to learn how to install wine.
Once all of that is understood you can then use wine to install iTunes, which is also covered in that second link.
If you have any further questions, just post back here and we’ll try to help.
This link will also teach you more about repositories Repositories - openSUSE-Community which you’ll need to know about because 99% of the packages you’ll install as a beginner will come from repositories.
Good Luck,