I don’t understand what’s the issue with suspension/awakening of my pc/screen
I set from kde settings go on suspension after x minutes and it goes but when I awake it (by pressing enter or somewhat) the screen is still black “no signal” and I must hard reboot.
even if I don’t set a lock screen (so, no password is required) same stuff: black screen.
if I set to shut down screen (no suspending) no issues, the screen awakes.
please, could you help me? this is driving me crazy!
I don’t know if there’s some bios options or whatever (I didn’t touch but who knows?)
Try to see if it works with bluetooth disabled, had a similar issue on an 670E mobo and that was the culprit (has Mediatek bt chip). Disable bluetooth and try to see if it wakes up. If it does with bt disabled then … add a systemd script that disables Bluetooth right before suspend and re-enabling it on wake.
Create a file /usr/lib/systemd/system-sleep/bluetooth-toggle.sh and chmod +x it.
Add this to the script, save then reboot:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Define a temporary file to store the Bluetooth status
case "$1" in
if systemctl is-active --quiet bluetooth.service; then
systemctl stop bluetooth.service
echo "enabled" > $STATUS_FILE
logger -t bluetooth-toggle-script "Bluetooth was active and has been disabled before suspend"
echo "disabled" > $STATUS_FILE
logger -t bluetooth-toggle-script "Bluetooth was already disabled before suspend"
if [ -f $STATUS_FILE ] && grep -q "enabled" $STATUS_FILE; then
systemctl start bluetooth.service
logger -t bluetooth-toggle-script "Bluetooth was re-enabled after resume"
logger -t bluetooth-toggle-script "Bluetooth remains disabled after resume"
You’re welcome. If you do the little trick you can leave the bt enabled too, I use it rarely but itś good to have it as an option and not worry about it.