i have two notebooks and a new external hdd.
this is a thread that wants to make clear how to treat a external hdd when using it on two diff notebooks, Are there any issue i can be faced - eg. can there be any conflicts with naming-conventions
what is aimed: well i want to collect and backup the data from the both notebooks. how to do that:
well i do like that:
i create a directory
# mkdir /mnt/external
and mount this with
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/external
then i do that:
chomd -R 0777 /mnt/external
and then i mount again with
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/external
question. can i do this procedure with the both machines - can i do it with exactly the same commands, names - or is it not corrrect to name the directories on the external drive with exactly the same name!!?
Well - for me as a beginnner in the filed of mounting drives - it is a important question: i do not want to cause conflicts
if i have to explain the ideas and thoughts more thouroghly - just let me know.
love to hear from you
ps see some results - that i got when trying to name (/treat) the external drive exacly the same way … when it is connected to the second notebook
see seome reports and steps i take - as trying to mount the external drive on the second notebook
linux-70ce:/home/martin #
linux-70ce:/home/martin # mkdir -p /mnt/external
linux-70ce:/home/martin # mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/external
linux-70ce:/home/martin # chomd -R 0777 /mnt/external
If 'chomd' is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this:
cnf chomd
linux-70ce:/home/martin # chomd -R 0777 /mnt/external
If 'chomd' is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this:
cnf chomd
linux-70ce:/home/martin # umount /dev/sdb1
linux-70ce:/home/martin #
linux-70ce:/home/martin # chomd -R 0777 /mnt/external
If 'chomd' is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this:
cnf chomd
linux-70ce:/home/martin # chown martin:users /mnt/external
linux-70ce:/home/martin # mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/external
linux-70ce:/home/martin #
linux-70ce:/home/martin # mount /mnt/external
mount: /dev/sdb1 is already mounted or /mnt/external busy
/dev/sdb1 is already mounted on /run/media/martin/HDDRIVE2GO
/dev/sdb1 is already mounted on /var/run/media/martin/HDDRIVE2GO
/dev/sdb1 is already mounted on /mnt/external
linux-70ce:/home/martin #
hmmm - it is a bit strange isnt it