I see that there are much smaller downloads available for openSUSE at: https://download.opensuse.org/distribution/leap/15.6/live/
Are there any reasons that I should not use these for installing Leap Plasma rather than the full iso which is almose 5GB? These are 1GB (or less) and I’m a pensioner with a very limited data budget, so every bit helps! Thanks.
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Yes, that is an option.
The DVD installer contains many of the packages that you will want to install. The live media doesn’t, so will download those during your install. There’s a tradeoff – a smaller iso download but more packages downloaded during the install. Overall, you will probably download less when using the live media.
Live will do network installation. You can simply download Net install image which is even smaller.
This is just anecdotal, but in my experience, the net image never failed to install TW properly, while I did run into some form of black screen after installing and rebooting, when using the full offline iso.
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